Mimosa Pudica commonly called Touch Me Not plant all over the world, Chui Mui plant in India and Makahiya plant in Philippines is an amazing herb with wonderful medicinal uses and health benefits. All parts of this plant have medicinal uses. In India, it is used in Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani forms of medicine for treating various diseases.
I used to be fascinated with touch me not plant when I was younger and more so now after knowing about it’s wonderful uses. When I was a kid, I used to love touching the leaves and watch it close and I used to keep on looking for it open again. I have never thought much about the medicinal values of the plant when I was growing up.
Few years back, one of our farm workers was collecting the plant from the farm and when I inquired about it she replied that she was collecting it for treating diarrhea. It was the first time I heard about the medicinal use of touch me not plant. The more I came to know about it’s wonderful benefits and uses, my fascination and respect for this plant has only grown over the years.
Mimosa Pudica Plant:
Mimosa Pudica belongs to the genus Mimosa and family Fabaceae. Mimosa pudica plant is native to Central America and South America but it is found commonly all over India. We have this plant growing abundantly like weed in our farm and it is hard to remove this plant as it is covered in thorns.
Touch me not plant produces beautiful pink flowers and small green leaves that closes or droops in the night or when touched. This plant can be found commonly in waste lands, cultivated lands and even along road sides in cities. Since it is a very popular plant, extensive studies have been done on the plant scientifically proving many of the traditional remedies it is used in.
The last time we had rains, many of the mimosa pudica plant in the farm had beautiful pink flowers and I happily pictured them. I have tried my best to compile all the medicinal uses of mimosa pudica that has been scientifically proven below…..
Mimosa Pudica Common Names:
Mimosa pudica is the botanical name for touch me not plant. It is commonly called touch me not plant, sensitive plant, humble plant, sleeping plant and shame plant in English. It is called Thotta Chinnugi Plant in Tamil, Lajwanti or Chui Mui in Hindi, Makahiya plant in Philippines, Thottavadi in Malayalam, Lajjabati in Bengali, Lajjalu in Sanskrit, Nidikumba in Sinhalese, Lojjaboti in Bangladesh, Reesamani in Gujarati, Atti Patti plant in Telugu, Mutti Dare Muni in Kannada and Lajalu in Marathi.
Mimosa Pudica Chemical Constituents:
Phytochemical screening of touch me not plant leaf extract showed the presence of flavonoids, glycosides, terpenoids, alkaloids, coumarins, saponins, tannins, phenols and quinines. The root extract showed the presence of fatty acids, glycosides, essential oils, tannins, amino acids, alkaloids, phytosterol and flavonoids. Some of the important phytochemical compounds isolated from touch me not plant are mimosine, jasmonic acid, betulinic acid, stigmasterol, Beta-sitosterol, 2-hyrdoxymethyl-chroman-4-one, dimethyl ammonium salt and mimopudine.
Mimosa Pudica Traditional Uses:
a. Mimosa Pudica Roots:
Traditionally root of touch me not plant is used for treating snake bites, diarrhoea, small pox, fever, ulcer, jaundice, haemorrhoids, asthma, fistula and leucoderma.
b. Mimosa Pudica Plant Leaves:
The leaves of touch me not plant, either in the form of decoction or as a paste is used for treating haemorrhoids, wounds, fistula, pink eye, toe infections, depression, insomnia and hydrocele.
c. Mimosa Pudica Plant Seed:
Traditionally touch me not plant seed is used for treating urinary tract infection. The seed mucilage is used for making tablets as it is both a good binder and disintegrant.
d. The Whole Plant:
The whole plant is used for treating rheumatism, cancer, edema, depression, muscle pain and elephantiasis. It is also a good insect repellent. Here in our village we use the whole plant to treat leg pain.
Mimosa Pudica Side Effects:
Mimosa pudica has proven to have anti fertility properties so if you are trying for pregnancy, never consume mimosa pudica in any form. Pregnant women should not consume mimosa pudica. Mimosa pudica has very low toxicity and in a study done on rats, they experienced no side effects even when they were given 2000 mg per kg of body weight!
Mimosa Pudica Plant Dosage:
The general suggested dosage is 15 to 20 ml of the fresh juice. If you are consuming leaf decoction, the general suggested dosage is 50 to 75 ml. We also get mimosa pudica tincture and tablets. The general dosage for mimosa pudica tincture is around 1 to 3 ml per day and the daily suggested dosage for mimosa pudica capsules are 1 to 2 capsules per day.
How To Grow Mimosa Pudica?
Mimosa pudica is a plant that needs plenty of sunlight and very little care. Get the seeds and plant them in a small plastic container containing soil and water daily till the seeds sprout. Once they have sprouted, you can transfer to a big pot and keep it under direct sunlight. It will grow in abundance very soon…
10 Top Health Benefits & Uses Of Mimosa Pudica:
1. Mimosa Pudica Wound Healing Activity:
Traditionally the leaf extract made by grinding the leaves with little water and extracting the juice is used for treating wounds. This remedy has been proven scientifically now! For the study, both the methanolic and water extract was used in 3 different concentrations (0.5 %, 1 % and 2 %) in a basic ointment base. The ointment containing 2 % of both methanolic and water extract showed significant wound healing activity.
2. Mimosa Pudica Anti Venom Activity:
An interesting study was done on the anti venomous activity of mimosa pudica and that too cobra venom! The study which was done on the water extract of the mimosa pudica dried root (made by boiling the dried root in water) proved that it is very good at inhibiting the activity of the snake venom. But this remedy has to be done under the observation of an experienced healer or herbalist.
3. Anti Depressant, Anti Anxiety and Memory Enhancing Properties:
Traditionally, touch me not plant has been used for treating depression in certain countries. Along with treating depression, it also reduces anxiety and also improves memory, for it the the whole plant extract is used. A study on mice proved all these traditional uses to be true, you can read the study here.
4. Mimosa Pudica For Piles:
Mimosa Pudica is very good for treating bleeding piles and has been used as a remedy for it for many many years. For the remedy, crush the leaves into a fine paste and apply as a poultice, it will greatly ease the burning and bleeding. This is due to it’s amazing wound healing and anti inflammatory properties.
5. Mimosa Pudica For Ulcers:
Another very important study on mimosa pudica was its effect on ulcers. The leaf extract reduced the volume of gastric acid secretion, total acidity and ulcer index compared to control. The study done on rats with artificially induced ulcers proved that 100 mg of ethanolic extract very effectively reduced the ulcers.
6. Mimosa Pudica For Diarrhea:
Mimosa pudica is very good for treating diarrhoea and has been used for it for years. For treating diarrhoea, the leaf extract is used. A study done on albino rats by inducing them to diarrhea using castor oil and treating them with ethanolic extract of the leaves proved to be very effective in controlling the diarrhea.
7. Mimosa Pudica Anti Inflammatory Properties:
Another study proved its anti inflammatory properties. The study done on rats with artificially induced paw odema proved its anti inflammatory properties. The results were very effective and significant. In village sides, we boil the leaves of mimosa pudica and use the warm liquid as a compress, happy to know that it has been proven scientifically.
8. Mimosa Pudica Anti Diabetic Activity:
Mimosa pudica’s anti diabetic activity has been proven through research too. The research was done using the ethanolic extract but usually the leaf powder or the root powder is taken daily for bringing down the blood sugar levels. But I would kindly suggest consulting an ayurvedic physician for the correct dosage if you are planning on taking it to reduce blood sugar levels.
9. Liver Protecting & Anthelmintic Activity of Mimosa Pudica:
Another important medicinal use is protection of liver against toxins . When rats were given toxic ethanol along with mimosa pudica extract, it proved to be very effective in protecting the liver from toxicity. Mimosa pudica also has anthelmintic properties (expels worms) so when we consume the extract, it expels worms very effectively.
10. Anti Microbial, Anti Fungal & Anti Viral Properties Of Mimosa Pudica:
Mimosa pudica has been proven for its anti microbial, anti fungal and anti viral properties. The research was done using different concentrations of the mimosa pudica ethanol extract on various fungus and bacteria and it proved to be very effective in controlling them.
11. Anti Mumps Activity:
Another interesting but not much known medicinal use of touch me not plant is the anti mumps activity. Touch me not plant completely prevented mumps and this due to it’s wonderful anti viral property. You can read the study that supports this claim here.
12. Anti Convulsant Properties:
Touch me not plant leaf extract also has anti convulsant properties and it is used in traditional African medicine for it. In a study done on mice, the leaf extract given at a dose of 1000 to 4000 mg per kg protected them from induced convulsants.
13. Hypolipidemic Properties:
Touch me not plant lowers lipid levels and this due to the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids and glycosides in it. In a study touch me not plant leaf extract at a dose of 200 mg per kg proved to be very very effective in reducing lipids. Research is going on to extract the compound responsible for the hypolipidemic activity.
14. Uterine Prolapse:
Touch me not plant is used for treating uterine prolapse in Ayurveda. For treating it, 15 to 20 ml of the plant decoction is given 3 times a day. Along with it, the root paste is also applied externally as a poultice. This is a 40 day treatment that is best done under medical supervision.
15. Aphrodisiac Properties:
Touch me not plant root has been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac and this use also has been proven through research. A study done on mice proved that 500 mg of ethanol extract of touch me not plant proved to be very effective and there was no side effect like stomach ulcer consuming it at all.
3 Top Ways To Use Mimosa Pudica:
1. Mimiosa Pudica Poultice To Heal Wounds:
To heal wounds and reduce inflammation, we can apply the fresh paste as a poultice. To make the poultice, take a handful of the fresh leaves and pound it along with little bit of water to get a paste. The leaves pound easily into a paste, once you get a coarse paste, apply it as a poultice.
2. Mimosa Pudica Tea For Diarrhea:
To treat diarrhea, we can consume a cup of mimosa pudica tea. To make the tea, boil a cup of water along with a small bunch of freshly picked mimosa pudica leaves till the color of the water changes. Once the color of the water changes, switch off and strain. This tea can reduce blood sugar levels, reduce anxiety and depression and also treat stomach ulcer!
3. Mimosa Pudica Oil:
One of my aunts regularly uses this oil for her leg pain. To make the oil, heat a cup of unrefined sesame oil in a pan. Now add in 1/4 cup of mimosa pudica leaves and mudakathan keerai leaves in equal quantities to it. Heat the oil till the sizzling sound stops which indicates that there is no moisture left and then switch off. This oil can be used as a massage oil for treating all kinds of aches and pains.
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