5 Top Hair & Skin Benefits, Uses of Cod Liver Oil For Acne, Hair Growth & Dry Skin

If there is a single health tip that is very essential for keeping our skin glowing and youthful, it is to consume omega-3 fatty acids on a regular basis. Though there are many sources of omega-3 fatty acids, oily fish tops that list. All my Kerala friends have amazing skin and hair because they include different kinds of fresh fish almost daily in their diet. Now if you are a regular fish eater, you can get your daily quota of omega-3’s very easily. Many don’t like to consume fish on a regular basis, for them taking fish oil supplements will work well. I have always been interested in fish oils and I wanted to share my experience.

How Is Cod Liver Oil Extracted?

I used to think that fish oil and cod liver oil are the same, but they are not. Fish oil and cod liver oil are not the same, though they are derived from fish, they differ in their sources and vitamin content a bit.

Fish oil is derived from flesh of different kind of sea fishes like herring, salmon, etc. Cod liver oil is extracted only from the liver of the cod fish. Both these oils are available both in capsule and liquid form. Both are rich in omega-3 fatty acids but cod liver oil contains both vitamin A and vitamin D, which fish oil lacks.

It is because of these vitamins that in many countries which receive minimal amount of sunlight, children are given cod liver oil regularly to make up for vitamin D deficiency.

Cod Liver Oil Side Effects:

However there are some side effects of consuming cod liver oil. For some it might agree perfectly, but for some people it can cause stomach discomfort. They might experience fishy breath, heart burn and burping which can be very embarrassing and uncomfortable, especially if they are planning to take it on a regular basis. I was expecting worse when I started taking the pills but surprisingly I didn’t experience any discomfort at all after taking the capsules.

But if I don’t drink enough water that day, I will experience the fish burp. This varies from person to person but taking the pills immediately after food reduces the heart burn significantly. Other main concern is the toxins found in the cod liver oil. Since hazardous wastes are dumped every year in the oceans, most of the the fishes accumulate those toxins and the fish oils derived from these fishes carry the toxins. To avoid this, try buying cod liver oil that is from a very reputed brand.

One journal advised buying expensive cod liver oils as the quality is very good and also to buy the cod liver oil that is sold in dark bottles as light could make the oil go rancid. Here in India, only cod liver oil capsules are available, but if you try searching online I think you will find the best quality cod liver oils that are stored properly and of the highest purity. Pregnant women should not consume cod liver oil capsules as it has high amount of vitamin A and it could effect the unborn child.

Cod Liver Oil Dosage:

The general suggested dosage is 1 tsp of cod liver oil for adults if you taking it in oil form. If you are taking it in capsule form, it is generally 1 to 3 capsules (1000mg ) are recommended. But If you are planning on taking high doses, I would strongly advise doing so after consulting a physician. If you are already taking supplements and plan to take cod liver oil too, make sure you are not overdosing on vitamin A. Try taking cod liver oil for a week and see whether it agrees with you, if it does consider taking it on regular basis, but opt for the highest quality oils preferably sold in liquid form.

Skin Benefits Of Cod Liver Oil:

1.Cod Liver Oil For Acne & Acne Scars:

If you notice anyone who is consuming high amount of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet, they will have a very good skin texture. Many don’t mind eating meat but hate eating fish, if you belong to that category, try consuming cod liver oil regularly, especially if you are suffering from break outs. Cod liver oil does work very well for curing acne and acne scars and some people start seeing results immediately.

If you can source fermented cod liver oil in liquid form, please give it a try as the body absorbs it better. But with liquid form, you have to endure the fishy taste and smell, to overcome that try buying ones that have a flavor. Like with all treatments, some might experience immediate relief, for others it might take some more time. Continue taking the cod liver oil regularly and definitely you will see positive changes in your skin.

2.Cod Liver Oil For Dry & Itchy Skin:

If you are a person who is suffering from dry and itchy skin, then you will greatly benefits from taking cod liver oil regularly as internal consumption of omega-3 fatty acids treats dry skin very effectively along with reducing the itchiness caused by it. I have a normal to dry skin and I found that my skin texture was much better after taking the cod liver oil regularly.

Regular use also increases the suppleness of the skin. But please don’t go above the prescribed dosage, it will be counterproductive. Usually if you are taking it in liquid form, don’t go beyond a tsp per day.

3. Cod Liver Oil For Wrinkles & Aging Skin:

If you are suffering from fine lines, spots and uneven skin tone, try a topical application of cod liver oil. I know, I know it sounds very gross to apply a fish oil on the skin but it is one of the most inexpensive treatments for aging skin, wrinkles and fine lines. Studies show that when cod liver is applied topically, the skin texture greatly improved.

When you first apply the oil on the skin, you will be hit with the fishy smell but it will diminish within a few minutes of application to a more subtle smell as your nose gets used to it. With regular application, you will start seeing results within 2 to 3 weeks. Your skin will start clearing up, but each skin differs, so be patient and apply at least for a week or two to see results.

To use, pierce a cod liver oil capsule and massage the contents on the face in a thin layer. Leave it on the face for as much as time as you can. This is a safe treatment that anyone can try along with internal consumption for clearing up blemishes that will result in a glowing skin but please don’t scold me when you are enduring the the fishy smell 🙂

Hair Benefits Of Cod Liver Oil:

4. Cod Liver Oil For Hair Fall:

If you are fighting hair loss and don’t mind taking fish oil then I strongly recommend cod liver oil to fight hair loss. Because of the high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin D found in the cod liver oil, it minimizes hair fall greatly. Consuming cod liver oil is one best way to keep our hair shiny and healthy.

All these three nutrients nourishes the hair follicles from within and healthy hair follicles results in healthy hair that is less prone to breakage and hair fall. Personally, I feel my hair shedding is very less, if I eat a traditional diet and take supplements that includes cod liver oil.

There are also few things that we can do along with eating healthy and taking supplements that stop hair loss like cod liver oil: Try weekly oil bath, conditioning homemade hair masks and regular application of homemade hair oils. I am sure like in my home, you would have heard this advice a million times from your mothers and grandmothers, I am just repeating what I have been advised almost everyday of my life 🙂

5. Cod Liver Oil For Grey Hair :

Many have reported that they could reverse their premature greying hair when they took the cod liver oil supplements regularly. Preventing premature greying is easier but reversing premature greying takes a long time so it is important that we include every single thing that is known to work.

If you are a person who is suffering from premature greying for a long time start taking cod liver oil regularly. And along with it start using curry leaf hair oil regularly. Curry leaf hair oil is known to reverse premature greying, if applied regularly, but it takes a long time. Combining it along with supplements like cod liver oil will speed up the process.

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