Red Sandalwood popularly called Rakta Chandan and Red Chandan in India has amazing skin and health benefits. We use red sandalwood powder to make face packs for treating pimples, pigmentation and to lighten acne scars. Red sandalwood is extensively used in skin care because it has amazing anti bacterial and anti ageing properties.
Red Sandalwood Tree:
The botanical name of red sandalwood is Pterocarpus Santalinus and it belongs to Fabaceae family and genus Pterocarpus. Red sandalwood should not be confused with our regular sandalwood which is very aromatic, red sandalwood bark does not have any smell and unlike sandalwood, the bark is red in color. Red sandalwood tree is endemic to Eastern Ghats in Tamil Nadu
The tree grows very fast when young but it slows down when it reaches 5 meters, because of it’s slow growth it is becoming rare. Red sandalwood has cooling properties just like regular sandalwood and usually heartwood of the tree is used for medicinal purposes. Red sandalwood is also used for religious ceremonious and also as a colorant.
Red Sandalwood Common Names:
Red Sandalwood Chemical Constituents:
Red Sandalwood Traditional Uses:
Red Sandalwood Powder Medicinal Uses:
1. Antioxidant Properties:
2. Anti Bacterial Properties:
3. Anti Diabetic Properties:
4. Anti Inflammatory Properties:
5. Gastroprotective Properties:
6. Wound Healing Properties:
7. Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective Properties:
8. Skin Benefits:
Red sandal wood powder has amazing skin benefits. Due to it’s cooling properties, it is great for using it on suntanned skin. It reduces skin inflammation, treats acne and acne scars, evens out skin complexion, fades dark spots and is an amazing home remedy for hyper pigmentation.
Due to it’s anti ageing properties, it prevents premature ageing of the skin and gives one a radiant, fair and glowing complexion. For skin and face care, it is usually combined with nourishing ingredient like rose water, honey and applied as a face pack.
Red Sandalwood Side Effects:
Red Sandalwood Dosage:
Red Sandalwood Price & Where To Buy:
How To Make Red Sandalwood Powder At Home?
5 Top Red Sandalwood Powder Face Packs For Fair & Glowing Skin:
1. Red Sandalwood & Rose Water For Dark Spots:
Take equal quantities of neem powder and red sandalwood powder in a bowl. Add in enough rose water to form a paste and apply as a face pack. This face pack is very good for treating dark spots.
2. Red Sandalwood & Turmeric Face Pack For Acne & Acne Scars:
Take 1 tbsp of red sandalwood powder in a bowl. Add in 1/4 tsp of kasthuri turmeric to it. Now add enough rosewater to form a paste and apply as a face pack. This is a wonderful face pack for treating acne and acne scars.
3. Red Sandalwood Cream For Hyperpigmentation:
Take 1 tbsp of Aloe Vera gel and 1 tsp of red sandalwood powder in a bowl, add in vitamin e capsule to form a paste and use it as a massage cream. This cream will help treat hyper pigmentation very effectively.
4. Red Sandalwood & Honey For Skin Pigmentation & Blemishes:
Take 1 tsp of red sandalwood powder in a bowl. Now add enough pure raw honey to form a paste and apply as a face pack. A wonderful home remedy for clear glowing blemish free skin.
5. Red Sandalwood & Multani Mitti Face Pack:
For this face pack first take a small licorice root, pound and boil in 1/4 cup of water till the color of the water turns yellow and strain. For the face pack, take 2 tbsp of multani mitti in a bowl. Add in 1.5 tsp of red sandalwood powder to it and squeeze in the juice of 1/2 a lemon. Finally add in enough licorice extract to get a spreadable paste and use it as a face pack.
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Hi Ramya kudos to you for the wonderful content you publish. In the above post you have recommended multiple packs for treating hyper pigmentation and acne. I need help on both fronts i.e. pigmentation, acne and scars. So should i try these packs one a day? I have dry skin.–Vidhya
I would suggest trying either neem and red sandalwood powder or kasthuri turmeric and red sandalwood powder face pack, both will help treat hyper pigmentation and acne….
Does real authentic Red Sandalwood have good fragrance, and it is NOT true it is of no smell. There is a misunderstanding written about it and want to clarify.
Please write about the different varieties of sandalwood and their uses. I didn’t know that there is yellow sandalwood, krishna varnam sandalwood, light/white sandalwood and there is a wide range in how they are priced. Also the sandalwood can be used from different parts of the tree so that there is no harm to the tree and it remains alive. Please teach on this.
I want everyone to stop buying sandalwood unless it is truly necessary and needed. Temples can’t obtain real sandalwood and are using the fake ones/adulterated ones for alankarams and forehead wearing because so many people have exploited the tree for entertainment uses which are not of primary need.
Overexploitation and improper growing has lead to it becoming an endangered species in addition to which some microorganism is infecting it and wiping it out. Unless sandalwood is part of your genuine cultural practice and need kindly refrain from using it because the original cultural users and those of genuine health/spiritual need are not able to use it and are being given fake product instead. This is also driving the cost up so high and promoting hidden markets which pose safety and comfort issues for the dwellers near sandalwood trees.