Onion Oil For Hair Growth: Benefits & Recipe !

onion hair oil for hair growth

Onion hair oil is one of the best hair oils that we can make at home as it has amazing hair benefits. Here in our village, we use onions extensively for hair care. Onions have anti bacterial properties that treats all problems of the scalp really well and it is also one of the best home remedies for treating bald spots and promoting hair growth.

How Do Onions Help in Hair Growth?

Onions are rich in sulfur which greatly prevents hair thinning as lack of sulfur has been proven to be one of the reasons for hair fall. We apply onion juice directly on the scalp to treat certain scalp infections.

We extract the onion juice by pounding the small onions in a mortar and pestle and then take the pounded paste in a strainer and press with a spoon to extract the juice. We also make onion hair oil and use it as a pre-shampoo treatment to treat scalp problems.

small onionsHomemade Onion Hair Oil:

This oil helps with hair regrowth, arrests hair loss and regular use results in long thick hair and it is also so very easy to make at home and has amazing hair benefits.

This oil is made with only 2 ingredients – small onions also called as shallots and unrefined sesame oil and if made properly will store well for about 6 to 8 months at room temperature.

In our village we usually make this hair oil with small onions and I would recommend the same to you too as small onions have more medicinal properties than big onions.

onion hair oilOnion Oil Hair Benefits:

  • Onions have anti bacterial properties thus greatly preventing scalp infections, it treats scalp itching and dandruff really well.
  • Onion also have anti inflammatory properties and this onion hair oil reduces inflammation of the scalp.
  • Onions have antioxidant properties and this oil greatly reduces premature greying.
  • It strengthens the hair roots thus greatly reducing hair fall.
  • It is great for preventing spot baldness and you can read the study that supports this claim here. 

How To Make Onion Hair Oil For Hair Growth & To Stop Hair Loss:

This oil is great for people who hate to use raw onion juice directly on the scalp. I find it extremely hard to apply raw onion juice directly on the scalp but this onion hair oil is so easy to use and very effective….


1. Take 1/4 cup of small onions also called as shallots and peel the outer brown skin.

onion hair oil for hair loss

2. Take the peeled onions in a mortar and pestle and pound coarsely. Pounding helps onions release it’s essence into the oil faster.

onion hair oil recipe

3. Take the pounded onions and 1 cup of unrefined sesame oil in an iron pan and start heating.

how to make onion hair oil

4. Once we start heating small bubbles will start appearing. Continue heating making sure to stir once in a while. As the heat increases the bubbling and spluttering also will increase and will reach its peak.

onion hair growth oil

5. Continue heating and slowly the bubbles and the spluttering will start reducing indicating that the water content in the onions have fully evaporated. Make sure not to burn the onions.

onion for hair

6. Once the spluttering sound stops, switch off, cool and strain. Weekly once, warm the oil and massage it all over the scalp. Wait for an hour to let the onion hair oil soak into the scalp and wash it off using a mild shampoo.

onion hair oil

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  1. Coral crue
    August 7, 2017 / 10:06 am

    I have heard that onion treatments for hair make the hair stink like crazy for days. What can one do to overcome this? Will the same be there if we use the small onions?

    • Ramya Venkateshwaran
      August 7, 2017 / 4:56 pm

      Using onions in the form of onion hair oil does not stink badly as opposed to using raw onion juice on our hair and the smell completely goes off once we have hair wash. The smell of both small and big onions are strong….

  2. Chinnu
    August 7, 2017 / 5:23 pm

    Ramya garu, thank you for the post. Most of your posts say use 'Mild Shampoo' – if Arappu powder mixed with water and taken during shower – can this be considered as a Mild Shampoo? If not, how to purchase a mild shampoo when market is flooded with too many products?

  3. Aadhar update
    October 5, 2017 / 5:39 pm

    I like taking care of my long black hairs, so I have mixed ratnagiri herb in hair oil, as it helps keeping the hairs healthier and shinier.

  4. SriVidya Subramanian
    January 31, 2018 / 3:31 pm

    Hi RamyaCan we use coconut oil

    • Ramya Venkateshwaran
      March 6, 2018 / 6:12 pm

      You can use coconut oil…

  5. uthra
    March 6, 2018 / 5:49 am

    Hi mam, I have hair fall problem due to thyroid? Also have sinus problem. Will this oil be helpful for me?Can I use this?

  6. March 1, 2019 / 11:55 am

    Hi ramya.. I am very sensitive to store bought cosmetics … And really I wondered why to spend this much money for store bought creams.. I first followed u for my hair prblms.. Then by now many of ur preparations become my daily routines.. Like licorice cream.. Flax gel hair pack.. Home made neem soap.. Bringaraj hair oil.. Beetroot anti ageing cream… U know all works for me.. Really happy.. I wish to share this to you.. And I made kadukai tooth powder for our family.. And collecting more things to make shampoo.. Thank you so much Ramya.. God bless you..

    • Ramya (Wildturmeric)
      March 5, 2019 / 10:32 pm

      So glad to hear, thanks a lot for your kind words and taking your time to write to me……:)

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