Nilvembu kashayam made using nilavembu leaves is a famous Siddha formulation used popularly for treating dengue and diabetes. Nilavembu is the tamil name for plant, it is also called Kalmegh in Hindi.
It is an amazing herb that has wonderful medicinal uses and health benefits. It’s botanical name is Andographis Paniculata and you can read about all the health benefits of nilavembu in detail here. Nilavembu has anti pyretic properties and has been used in traditional medicine for long time to treat all kinds of fevers.
It also reduces blood sugar levels and is good for diabetic patients. Here in Tamil Nadu, nilavembu kashayam | nilavembu kudineer is very popular and is used both as a preventive medicine and as a treatment for dengue and chikungunya fever.
Nilavembu Kashayam Ingredients:
Nilavembu Kashayam Medicinal Uses:
1. For Fever, Cold & Sinus Infection:
2. For Reducing Inflammation:
3. Reduces Pain (Analgesic Properties):
4. Anti Bacterial & Anti Viral Properties:
5. Improves Immunity & Detoxes The Body:
6. For Diabetes:
Nilavembu kashayam is good for diabetic patients as it lowers blood sugar levels but I would kindly suggest taking it under medical supervision as taking both nilavembu kashayam and diabetic medications together might lower blood sugar levels drastically.
It is especially useful for dengue fever and chikungunya as it helps reduce the fever and the pain greatly due to it’s anti inflammatory and anti pyretic properties. But please remember, since nilavembu kudineer chooranam is a Siddha formulation, the dosage and duration is very important.
Nilavembu Kashayam Dosage:
The dosage for babies less than 5 years is 1 to 1.5 tsp. For children between the age of 5 to 12 years, 1 to 1.5 tbsp is the suggested dosage. For children above 12 years 40 to 50 ml is the suggested dosage. For adults 50 to 60 ml is the suggested dosage.
For prevention take it in the mentioned dosage once in empty stomach for 5 days. If you have fever, you can take it 3 times a days for 2 to 3 days but I would suggest consulting a doctor immediately. This formulation is not recommended for babies below 1 year. Nilavembu kashayam during pregnancy and breast feeding is best taken under medical supervision.
Nilavembu Kashayam Side Effects:
Where To Get Nilavembu Kudineer Chooranam?
You can buy nilavembu kudineer chooranam in almost all the departmental stores in Tamil Nadu. If you don’t find it in departmental stores, you will definitely find it nattu marundhu kadai (herb shops). When buying nilavembu kudineer choornam make sure to specifically ask for it as we get both pure nilavembu powder and nilavembu kudineer chooranam.
Pure nilavembu powder contains only nilavembu whereas nilavembu choornam contains the 9 ingredients that I have mentioned before. Though pure nilavembu is also effective for treating dengue fever and chikungunya fever, nilavembu chooranam is even more effective.
How To Make Nilavembu Kashayam From Powder?
1. Take the measured out water in a bowl.
2. Take the required amount of nilavembu kudineer chooranam depending on the age. You can get nilavembu chooranam easily in all departmental stores.
2. Add in the nilavembu kudineer chooranam to the water and bring to a boil.
3. Let it boil till the mixture reduces in half and the color of the water changes.
4. Strain and add honey if you prefer. Drink it immediately, if you are not able to drink immediately, drink it at least within an hour of making it.
- Don’t take this nilavembu kashayam more than the amount mentioned.
- Usually nilavembu kashayam is suggested once daily for a period of three to five days.
- Always consume nilavembu kashyam once made for best results.
- This drink is very bitter, so children might refuse drinking it and some children even vomit it. You can dilute the mixture in some more water and add honey for them.
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