5 Side Effects Of Jeera Water (Cumin Seed Water)

jeera water side effects

I wanted to share the side effects of jeera water. Jeera water also called as Cumin Seed Water, Jeera Ka Pani, Jeera Pani and Seeragam Water is very very popular in India for it’s many health benefits and medicinal uses. Drinking jeera water regularly, balances the three doshas – vata, pita and kapha and also helps in weight loss and aids digestion.

At home, we consume it regularly especially during hot summer months as it is a wonderful body coolant.  But with like any other ingredient, though natural will cause side effects if consumed in excess. Few months back, a subscriber of this channel messaged me that she was feeling dizzy after consuming cumin seeds on a regular basis.

When I asked her for the amount she was consuming, she wrote back that she was taking a tbsp per day which was way in excess. Consuming spices in small quantities in our day to day cooking is different from consuming it in therapeutic dosages.

What Is Jeera Water?

Jeera water is nothing but cumin seed boiled water, when we boil cumin seed in water, it takes on a beautiful yellow colour. Jeera water is actually traditionally consumed in Kerala, here in Tamil Nadu, we use it more of a remedy to treat various problems like indigestion, excessive body heat and

Cumin seeds side effects5 Jeera Water Side Effects:

1. Drastic Reduction In Blood Sugar Levels

Cumin seeds have anti diabetic properties and is excellent for diabetic patients. Jeera water in normal dosages will not cause any problems at all but when consumed in excess will reduce blood sugar levels drastically. So always monitor your blood sugar levels closely if you are consuming therapeutic dosages of cumin seeds.

2. Drug Interactions

Jeera water will interfere with diabetic medications as it lowers blood sugar levels so please mention it to your physician and if you are on diabetic medication and consume jeera water and you experience feeling dizzy, please check your blood sugar levels, chances are it has reduced drastically.

3. Cumin Seed Allergy

Though very very rare, like with any food, some people might be allergic to cumin seeds. If so please avoid cumin seeds completely from your diet. People with peanut allergy should be cautious while consuming jeera water.

4. During Pregnancy:

Though cumin seed is very safe to be consumed like a spice in small amounts by pregnant women consuming cumin seeds in therapeutic dosages will cause side effects. In fact, it best not to consume any herb in large doses during pregnancy.

5. Stomach Problems

Like with any food consuming jeera water in excess will cause some digestive problems like belching and nausea so always consume it in moderation.

Jeera Water Dosage:

In a research consuming 3 grams for weeks together did not cause any side effects. I would suggest consuming a cup of jeera water made with scant tsp of cumin seeds. This is a safe dosage that will not cause any problems at all.

When To Consume Jeera Water?

Jeera water can be consumed any time of the day but if you are consuming it for treating indigestion, consume it in empty stomach for best results.

Jeera Water For Weight Loss Side Effects:

Few people asked whether there were any side effects when we consume jeera water daily during weight loss, jeera water has anti obesity properties so it can be consumed daily but don’t over consume it. I would suggest 3 grams of cumin seeds for making the jeera water and not more.

side effects of jeera

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  1. AparnaRajeshkumar
    June 7, 2013 / 8:29 am

    when i was working out in gym they asked me to take this 🙂 to cool the body 🙂 good one

  2. Nagalakshmi V
    June 11, 2013 / 8:16 am

    love the idea behind your site. sowmya referred me here and i love what i see. keep going, and i'll be back for more 🙂

  3. kundan
    January 28, 2015 / 8:52 am

    very good

  4. Anonymous
    June 16, 2015 / 8:46 pm

    Is this safe to consume during pregnancy?

    • Ramya Venkateshwaran
      June 20, 2015 / 3:17 pm

      Jeera water is very safe to consume during pregnancy…

  5. Anonymous
    June 30, 2015 / 3:48 am

    Can one eat the jeera seeds too or should we throw them away?

    • Ramya Venkateshwaran
      July 3, 2015 / 4:36 am

      I usually discard the seeds after boiling..

  6. rishikesh chidhambaranathan
    August 11, 2015 / 7:08 am


  7. Tamil
    December 21, 2015 / 9:14 am

    In our place its a tradition to give 1 tsp jeera+ a pinch of turmeric boiled water reduced to half when the pregnant women starts getting the delivery pain.It settles false pains off saving unwanted trips to hospital.

    • Ramya Venkateshwaran
      December 25, 2015 / 3:11 am

      Thanks a lot for taking your time to share this information…

    • Anonymous
      May 11, 2016 / 11:08 am

      Is this safe to consume daily and how much amount is preferable to daily basis.

    • Ramya Venkateshwaran
      June 6, 2016 / 4:14 pm

      Jeera water is safe to consume, I would suggest a cup of jeera water a day. In Kerala jeera water is consumed almost everyday…

    • Think Freedom
      July 4, 2016 / 6:30 pm

      Is it safe for kids

    • Ramya Venkateshwaran
      July 15, 2016 / 5:15 am

      Jeera water is very safe for kids…

  8. Santhiya Thiru
    June 20, 2016 / 10:35 am

    Is Jeera water cool or heat to our body?

    • Ramya Venkateshwaran
      July 7, 2016 / 1:38 am

      Jeera water has a cooling effect on the body…

  9. Anonymous
    December 16, 2016 / 12:00 pm

    Hi, can we take it even in winter months. Its too cold here in north India.Thanks

  10. Anonymous
    January 3, 2017 / 10:26 am

    A very interesting site.Just want to know, since jeera water has a cooling effect is it sensible to consume this in the north during winters?

    • Ramya Venkateshwaran
      May 7, 2017 / 3:13 pm

      It has a cooling effect on the body but not to the point that it makes one catch a cold if we consume it during winters. Also during winters we have it warm…

  11. hema
    January 6, 2017 / 3:44 pm

    love jeera water.Can you say what is added to water served in kerala hotels.When it rains ,they serve hot water ,light pink in colour.Thanks in advance.

    • aditi veear
      May 19, 2017 / 6:13 pm

      Hi the name of the herb in Kerala is pathimugam.it helps to remove toxins from your body.

  12. sailendra yalamanchili
    February 19, 2017 / 12:27 pm

    Dear Ramya,thank you for sharing your recipes and for providing a lot of useful information for improving ones health. Hope you will continue the good work!

  13. jigar patel
    May 4, 2017 / 5:38 am

    What is the best time for taking jeera water.befor food or after food.

  14. jigar patel
    May 4, 2017 / 5:39 am

    What is the best time for taking jeera water.befor food or after food.

    • Ramya Venkateshwaran
      May 7, 2017 / 3:10 pm

      Though you can take jeera water any time of the day, it is best to take it in between meals….

  15. sarita Jha
    September 19, 2017 / 9:48 pm

    Hi very useful info , wanted to know how useful it is for weight loss? I am taking hot jeeta water with lemon , ginger n honey . Don't know though how effective it is for weight loss. Will appreciate your input . Thanks

  16. Nandkumar Parsekar
    May 7, 2018 / 4:40 pm

    Hi Ramya, I am 54 years old, Please let us know the quantity of Jeera seeds and water for daily use.


    Nandkumar Parsekar

    • Rampriya (Wildturmeric)
      May 7, 2018 / 9:02 pm

      Though jeera is well tolerated by everyone, I would suggest starting with 1/2 tsp of jeera seeds and slowly increasing it to 1 tsp over the weeks….

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