10 Top Benefits Of Jamun Fruit (Naval Palam | Nerale Hannu)

jamun fruit health benefits

We have jamun tree in our farm and all of us love to snack on jamun fruits. The fruits taste wonderful and have amazing health benefits. Almost all parts of the tree have medicinal uses, from treating diarrhoea to plaque, they have wide uses. They have good nutritional value and are good for diabetic patients as both the seed and fruit have anti diabetic properties.

What Is Jamun Fruit?

It is a fruit of the tree whose botanical name is called Syzygium Cumini. It is an evergreen tree that can live more than 100 years. Jamun tree is native to India and you can find them growing plenty here in Tamil Nadu.

The fruits are greatly loved and cherished in India. We have two types of jamun, one is big and oval (the one shown in the picture), it is much sweeter and much preferred, we call it “Samba Nagapalam”. The other is much smaller and round and it is not as sweet and spoils quickly too.

We consume mainly jamun fruits but jamun juice, jamun vinegar also called jamun ka sirka in Hindi, jamun leaf tea and jamun seed powder are also consumed by many.

Jamun Fruit Common Names:

It is called Naval Palam | Nagapalam in Tamil, Jamun in Hindi, Java Plum | Black Plum in English, Neredu Pandu in Telugu, Naval Palam in Malayalam, Nerale Hannu in Kannada, Jambu in Gujarati and Jambul in Marathi.

jamun side effectsJamun Nutrition:

100 grams of the fruit has around 62 calories, 14 gm of carbohydrate, 0.9 gm fiber, 0.7 gm protein, 0.3 gm fat, 15mg of calcium, 15 mg of phosphorus, 1.2 mg of iron, 18 mg of vitamin C and small amounts of vitamin B.

Chemical Composition:

The fruits are rich in glucose, fructose, mallic acid and anthocyanin and the seeds are rich in flavonoids. Jamun has many health benefits and medicinal uses but it is mainly known for it’s anti diabetic properties. Almost all the parts of the jamun tree has anti diabetic properties. The leaf extract, bark extract, seeds and the fruit all have been proven to possess anti diabetic properties.

Naval Pazham Health BenefitsJamun Fruit Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses:

1. Jamun for Diabetics:

Both jamun fruit and the seed powder have anti diabetic properties. The seed powder is excellent for reducing the blood sugar levels and you can read the study that proves it here.

2. Jamun Seeds Anti Ulcer Properties:

The seeds have anti ulcer properties and the water extract of the seeds or the seed powder can be taken for treating ulcers.

3. Jamun Leaves Anti Allergy:

The leaf extract has anti allergy properties and if you have the tree at home, the leaf extract can be given to immediately bring down allergies. You can read the study that proves it here.

4. Jamun Fruits Antioxidant Properties:

Jamun fruits have wonderful anti oxidant properties. The ripe fruits tastes wonderful. Here at home, we love to mix the fruits with a bit of chilli powder and salt, tastes divine! Even pregnant women can consume jamun fruit in moderation.

5. Jamun Leaves Anti Hypertensive Properties:

Jamun leaves have significant anti hypertensive properties and the leaf extract got by boiling the leaves in water reduces blood pressure levels. You can read the study that proves it here.

6. Jamun For Diarrhea:

Jamun has wonderful anti diarrheal properties making it a very handy medicine for treating diarrhea. For treating diarrhoea, consume the fruit juice.

7. Anti Cancer Properties:

Consuming jamun extract during cancer therapy helps reduce the side effects associated with the therapy.

8. Anti Plaque:

Since it has wonderful anti bacterial properties, the leaf decoction can be used as a gargle to treat dental problems like mouth odor, plaque, etc.

9. For Anemia:

The fruits are rich in vitamin C and consuming foods rich in vitamin c helps with effective iron absorption. For women who are deficient in iron consuming jamun fruits will greatly help with iron absorption.

10. Anti Pyretic Properties:

The seed extract has anti pyretic (fever reducing properties) and since it also has anti viral properties, the seed powder can be taken for treating viral fevers very effectively.

Neredu PanduWhere To Buy Jamun?

We get fresh jamun, jamun juice, jamun vinegar and jamun seed powder in the markets. I would suggest making your own jamun juice at home for best results as the juice we get from the markets are loaded with sugar and preservatives.

Jamun Dosage:

Jamun seed powder can be taken in the dosage of 2 to 5 grams for treating diarrhea and stomach ulcers.

Jamun Side Effects:

Jamun has very very low toxicity and rarely causes any side effects if had in moderation. But over consumption can cause bloating. Even pregnant women can consume jamun fruit in modeartion. Jamun fruit is to be sold cheaply everywhere when I was younger but now it is very expensive to buy in the markets, one kilo costs around 220 rupees as the trees are not cultivated much.

4 Top Benefits Of Jamun Fruits | Java Plum:

1. For Treating Ulcers & Reducing Blood Sugar Levels:

jamun seed health benefits

Take 5 to 6 fruits, remove the flesh and boil the seeds in 1/2 cup water till it reduces and drink once. The jamun seed powder sold in the markets can also be taken.

2. Jamun Juice For Treating Diarrhea:

jamun fruit juice health benefits

Take 5 to 6 fruits, remove the inner seeds and grind the flesh with 1/4 cup water and drink the juice. This juice is a wonderful remedy for diarrhoea.

3. For Treating Plaque: 

jamun fruit nutrition

Boil 3 to 4 large leaves of jamun tree in water along with little salt, switch off strain and use it as a gargle.

4. For Increasing Immunity:

naval pazham health benefits

Consume ripe fruits during the season regularly. But have it in moderation. Store the left over fruits in the refrigerator.

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  1. Unknown
    May 21, 2017 / 12:50 pm

    I have been suffering from allergy(rashes) for last two months. Also it had frequently been there for past one year.Ramya didi, can you please tell me how to cure it with jamun leaves.Thank you.

  2. Unknown
    May 21, 2017 / 12:50 pm

    I have been suffering from allergy(rashes) for last two months. Also it had frequently been there for past one year.Ramya didi, can you please tell me how to cure it with jamun leaves.Thank you.

  3. shankar bhandarkar
    May 31, 2017 / 5:04 am

    I am a Diabetic & a Heart Issue too is there with me , and I do take this Powder every day, I do feel better but these matter always keep me worried.

  4. July 26, 2021 / 7:39 pm

    I have been suffering from naga chutthi or paronychia for the last one month. Tried some remedies but could not get cured. Please let me know any best home remedy .. To cure blister as well

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