What Are Stretch Marks?
When Do We Get Stretch Marks?
Where Do We Get Stretch Marks?
Tips For Treating Stretch Marks At Home:
- Unlike chemical treatments, herbal remedies for stretch marks does not have any side effects and can be used for long periods of time safely.
- Home remedies like mentioned below improve the collagen production and blood circulation in the skin and also helps increase the skin elasticity thus greatly helping in healing and fading stretch marks.
- I have given ten home remedies that are very effective for removing stretch marks, use them regularly to see good results. The time it takes for stretch marks to fade will vary from person to person but consistency is the key for removing stretchmarks naturally at home.
- Choose a remedy you like and use it consistently. Try not to use ingredients that are harsh on the skin like lemon juice, vinegar and baking soda for removing stretch marks.
- Even if you do, moisturize your skin later without fail. Personally I like massaging my skin with a blend of extra virgin olive oil, vitamin e oil and coconut oil (I have given the link to to the recipe below).
- To prevent stretch marks, regularly massage the skin with pure unrefined oils. It will improve skin elasticity and will go a long way in preventing stretch marks in the first place….
10 Top Home Remedies To Remove Stretch Marks:
1. Vitamin E Oil For Stretch Marks Removal:
To use vitamin e oil for stretch marks, take 1 vitamin e capsule and mix the contents in 2 tbsp of virgin coconut oil and use. To use, take little bit of the oil and massage well into the skin half an hour before bathing daily.
2. Body Brushing For Stretch Marks Removal:
Dry body brushing is a great way to fade stretch marks. I am a great fan of body brushing and would highly recommend it. To use, dry brush daily for a few minutes before bath. But for body brushing, I would suggest using brushes specifically designed for it and you can read about it completely here.
3. Coffee Scrubs For Stretch Marks Removal:
Coffee scrubs are a great way to fade stretch marks. To make coffee scrub, take 1 tbsp coffee powder in a cup. Add enough almond oil to form a paste and use it as a scrub. Try to use this scrub at least weekly twice to see results.
4. Aloe Vera For Stretch Marks Removal:
Cut a fresh aloe vera gel and wash to remove the slimy green juice. Cut the thorns on both sides of the leaf and cut the leaf into two. Now rub the aloe vera gel over the stretch marks daily. This will help fade stretch marks very quickly.
5. Cocoa Butter For Stretch Marks Removal:
Cocoa butter is very nourishing and helps heal damaged skin very quickly and it also fades stretch marks. To use, melt 1 tbsp cocoa butter and 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil in a pan, once melted store in a bottle and use it for massage.
6. Turmeric Oil For Stretch Marks Removal:
Turmeric has wonderful skin lightening properties but instead of applying turmeric directly on the skin, use turmeric oil. It is so easy to use and gives wonderful results if used regularly. You can find how to make turmeric oil here. To use, massage this oil for 2 to 3 minutes half an hour before bath.
7. Orange & Rice Flour Scrub For Stretch Marks Removal:
Scrubs are great as they help remove dead skin along with fading stretch marks. I would recommend using them weekly once or twice. To make the scrub, take 1 tbsp of rice flour in a bowl, squeeze in enough orange juice to form a paste and use it as a scrub.
8. Massaging With Pure Unrefined Oils For Stretch Marks Removal:
Massaging with pure unrefined oils regularly will greatly helps fade stretch marks. You can use either unrefined coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, castor oil, sesame oil, rose hip oil, jojoba oil or argan oil regularly. To use, choose any one of the these oils, warm lightly and massage gently for 2 to 3 minutes.
9. Gotu Kola For Stretch Marks Removal:
Massaging the skin with gotu kola extract has been proven to help with stretch marks. The botanical name of gotu kola is Centella Asiatica and you can read about it in detail here.
You get plenty of gotu kola based creams in the markets but you can easily make your own gotu kola oil by boiling the leaves in coconut oil and straining. Use it as a massage oil regularly.
10. Homemade Massage Oil Blends For Stretch Marks Removal:
Instead of using a single oil for treating stretch marks, you can also blends. When I was pregnant I made a simple blend of extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and vitamin e oil and was using it regularly till delivery. Massage oil blends are very effective in preventing and treating stretch marks and you can find how to make it here.
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