5 Top Benefits Of Fennel Water (Saunf Water)

fennel water benefits

We use fennel water also popularly called saunf water in India extensively in home remedies. Fennel water has some impressive health benefits. It helps increase breast milk, suppresses appetite, and has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and cancer-fighting properties. Since every Indian home always stocks fennel seeds in the pantry, it will be very useful if we get to know how to prepare fennel seed water and also how to use it for treating various problems.

What Is Fennel Seed Water?

Fennel seed water is got by roasting fennel seeds and boiling them in water. Fennel seeds are extracted from fennel plants and they are rich in various nutrients like vitamin K, vitamin E, copper, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, and vitamin C. Fennel seed water has a mild pleasant smell.

fennel seed water for weight lossFennel Seed Water Health Benefits

1. For Sore Throat:

Since it has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, gargling with fennel water mixed with a little bit of salt helps reduce the pain and inflammation very quickly. For the gargle, mix half a teaspoon of salt with a cup of fennel water and gargle twice or thrice a day. This can also used as a mouthwash too.

2. For Weight Loss

In a study, 9 healthy women who drank 250 ml of final tea made with 2 grams of fennel seeds before lunch felt less hungry compared to placebo. If you are on a weight loss diet and find it very difficult to manage your hunger, consider drinking fennel seed water, it will greatly help manage your hunger levels.

3. For Increasing Breast Milk

Fennel water has galactogenic properties (it helps increase breast milk), this is due to the presence of a compound called anethole. But please remember that high doses can cause certain side effects to babies, two breastfeed infants aged 50 and 20 days were admitted to the hospital with symptoms like weak crying, lethargy, poor sucking, and weak response to painful stimuli. Both mothers have been drinking two liters of herbal infusion for increasing breast milk which also contained fennel seeds.

4. For Bloating

In our village, fennel seed water is used for treating bloating. Fennel seeds are rich in important volatile compounds that are responsible for reducing bloating and flatulence. Many reasons cause bloating, the most common triggers are overeating and excessive consumption of processed food. Whenever you face this problem, make a cup of fennel water and sip on it, you will feel better in no time.

5. For Skin Care

Since fennel seeds have anti-bacterial properties, they can be used for treating various skin problems. If you are suffering from acne, mix equal quantities of sandalwood powder and turmeric powder in a bowl. Make fennel water like mentioned below and add enough to the powders and mix well to form a smooth paste. To use, apply the paste all over the face and neck. Wait for it to dry and then wash it off. Regular use will greatly help reduce acne and inflammation.

saunf water benefitsFennel Seed Water Side Effects:

Fennel seeds have estrogenic properties, and while this is very good for menopausal women, high doses can cause certain problems for pregnant and breastfeeding women. If you are pregnant avoid consuming high amounts of fennel seed water.

Fennel Seed Water Dosage

We usually consume around a cup of fennel seed water made with a teaspoon of fennel seeds. This amount usually agrees with everyone. I would also suggest not consuming fennel seed water for long durations of time (more than 2 weeks) especially if you are a breastfeeding mother as high amounts of anethole can lead to toxicity.

fennel water side effectsHow To Make Fennel Tea:

1. Take fennel seeds in pan and dry roast them for a few seconds, don’t fry them too much.

how to make fennel water

2. Add a cup of water to the pan and boil till the color of the water changes.

sombu water

3. Strain, cool and if desired, add honey to taste.

saunf water for weight loss


  • Don’t roast the fennel seeds too much else the tea will be bitter.
  • The quantity of the water depends on the age, for children 1 to 2 tbsp will do.
  • For adults, a cup of this water made with the given measurements will be enough.
  • Side effects: If you are taking any medication, consult your doctor before drinking fennel water on a daily basis.
  • Some people might be allergic to fennel water. If you are a person who is prone to allergic reactions, check with a medical practitioner before drinking regularly.

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