This website is not written by a health care professional. Wildturmeric is intended for informational purpose only. If you have any medical problems, please consult a doctor before following any of these remedies. Wildturmeric makes no claims that anything written on this site is accurate or scientifically proven. Any information on this website should not be considered as a substitute for medical advice from a health care professional. Though each of these remedies have been practiced for many years by us, make sure that you are not allergic to any of the herbs that is written. Please also make sure to get and use ingredients, that are unadulterated. Though all these home remedies are very safe and each and every remedy has been tested by us, please follow the instructions precisely for best results. Try to identify the herbs properly, before using them and try to buy them from a reputed source. Home remedies can also be harmful, if used wrongly, that is why step by step pictures are given for each remedy. Try following the dosage precisely and try not to substitute the ingredients given.