7 Top Benefits & Uses Of Celery | Ajmoda

Celery Health Benefits
Celery which closely resembles our coriander is a plant has amazing health benefits and is definitely a plant we should get to know. You will be surprised to know that celery was first collected for medicinal purposes from the wild and also celery seeds have been used in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years! Then later on once it was introduced into daily cooking like soups, salads and juices, people started growing celery widely.

Celery Common Names:

Celery is the English name and the botanical name is Apium Graveolens. Celery is called Ajmoda | Ajmod in Hindi, Gujarati & Marathi, Amod in Telugu, Aaaj mood in Bengali, Sivari Keerai in Tamil, Ajmud in Punjabi and Gudda Sompina Elagalu in Kannada.

If you know the names of celery in Urdu and Malayalam, I will be very happy if you can answer in the comment section below. The problem with celery seeds in India is it is confused with ajwain seeds (Trachyspermum Ammi) and radhuni seeds (Trachyspermum Roxburghianum), if in doubt always use the botanical name.

Celery Nutrition:

The celery seeds, leaves and the stem all are rich in essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients especially vitamin K, manganese, potassium, fiber and vitamin B5.  In fact celery juice is one of the best electrolyte drinks that can be made at home.

Celery Side EffectsCelery Health Benefits & Medicinal Uses:

1. Celery For Weight Loss:

Celery is very low in calories but high in nutrients and fiber which is the main reason that celery makes it to almost all the weight loss diet charts. Instead of consuming low fat packaged foods that has zero nutrition, it is better to substitute it with real low fat fresh greens that is high in nutrition like celery leaves and stems.

2. Celery Benefits For High Blood Pressure:

Celery leaf lowers blood pressure and this has been proven through clinical research, you can read about it here. If you are suffering high blood pressure, try drinking celery juice often, it will greatly help bring down the blood pressure.

3. Celery For Cholesterol:

Celery leaf extract also lowers LDL cholesterol along with blood pressure and you can read the study given above. Celery leaf extract which is nothing but celery juice if had regularly, will greatly bring down high cholesterol levels.

4. Celery For Diabetes:

Celery seeds extract is very effective in treating hyperglycemia and you can read the research that proves it here. Celery seed extract reduces atrophy, inflammation and cell injury caused due to diabetes. Celery seeds can be taken in the form of tea.

5. Celery Benefits For Arthritis:

Celery has anti inflammatory properties and the stem extract which is commonly consumed in the form of juice possesses anti inflammatory properties and has been proved through research too.

6. Celery Benefits For Gout:

Traditionally celery seed extract has been used to treat gout, a painful condition which is caused due to build up of uric acid in the joints. Since celery has anti inflammatory properties it greatly helps with the pain.

7. Celery Seeds For Indigestion:

Celery seeds are great for treating indigestion and flatulence. For the remedy, celery seeds can be taken in the form of tea along with a pinch of black salt or you can sweeten with jaggery too.

8. Celery Seeds for Fluid Retention:

Celery seeds has diuretic properties which greatly helps people suffering from water retention. But since celery seeds has diuretic properties, we should drink more water when taking celery seeds.

9. Celery For Respiratory Problems:

Celery seeds have anti spasmodic properties and celery seed tea can be used to treat all respiratory problems very effectively. If you are suffering from any respiratory problems, sipping a cup of warm celery tea will greatly help.

10. Celery Seed Oil For Stress:

Celery seed oil is very calming and is a good remedy for stress. Try incorporating celery seed oil into massage oils, it will greatly act as a stress buster. Celery stems can be consumed as a juice, the seeds in the form of tea, celery leaves can be added to salads and the celery oil can be used for massage and for inhaling.

Celery NutritionCelery Side Effects:

Pregnant women should not consume celery seeds as it is a diuretic. The seeds are also best avoided in children below 2 years. Some people may be allergic to the seeds, if you experience discomfort while taking please discontinue use. Celery leaf allergy is very serious, A 28 year old women with celery allergy experienced anaphylactic shock after consuming fresh celery.

In an another case a 36 year old female patient came to the hospital with blurred vision, palpitation and nausea. She was consuming 8 gram of celery extract in powder form a day for reducing weight. She developed hyperthyroidism and allergic reaction after celery extract consumption.

Celery juice can interact with certain medications. If you are taking blood thinner medications make sure to mention it to your physician before consuming celery juice on a regular basis.

celery uses3 Top Ways To Use Celery:

1. Celery Seed Tea:

To make Clery seed tea, take a tsp of celery seeds in a cup. Pour boiling water over it and let it steep for 5 minutes. Strain and consume a cup for treating fluid retention.

2. Celery Juice:

To make celery juice, grind celery stalks with water and a carrot or cucumber or an apple in a blender along with water and a pinch of salt and strain. Celery juice is very hydrating and is full of nutrients but limit to one cup a day.

3. Celery Seed Oil Massage:

Take 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil in a bowl. Add in 6 to 7 drops of carrot seed essential oil and mix well. This oil can be used as a face and body massage oil. This oil is amazing for skin care as it has powerful anti bacterial properties and it also helps reduce inflammation effectively.


  • Celery juice can be made in a juicer very quickly without adding any water
  • Celery juice is full of antioxidants and is high in nutrients, perfect as a sports drink too.
  • Fresh celery is called celery allover India and can be got in almost all the vegetable shops in the cities.
  • Celery seeds are generally confused with ajwain seeds and radhuni which is widely used in Bengali cuisine. Radhuni is also one among the 5 plants that is called wild celery but celery seeds and radhuni seeds are different.
  • I had a very hard time finding the names of celery in different languages as both radhuni and celery seeds go by the same name in many places. If I am wrong with the names please do correct me.
  • The celery seeds are diuretic so always make sure to drink plenty of water while consuming it.
  •  You can also use celery seed extract instead of celery seed tea, you can buy celery extract, tea and oils online easily.

celery seed benefits

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  1. Hooi-Kim Phang
    April 28, 2016 / 4:45 pm

    Is celery not suitable for low blood pressure people though it has other benefits instead of helping to reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure?

    • Ramya Venkateshwaran
      June 6, 2016 / 5:47 am

      Since celery reduces blood pressure so people with low blood pressure should be cautious while consuming celery in large doses at a time…

  2. kirubakaran jana
    June 4, 2016 / 4:34 pm

    Madam sivari keerai means "kothammalli keerai" keerai right?

    • Ramya Venkateshwaran
      June 9, 2016 / 2:30 pm

      Sivari keerai is celery not kothamalli …

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