Mahabhringraj oil has amazing hair benefits and uses. It arrest hair fall immediately, treat premature greying of the hair effectively along with promoting hair growth. We also get regular bhringraj oil in the markets. Though both bhringraj oil and mahabhringraj oil have bhringraj leaves as a base, they are different. Bhringraj oil can be easily made at home while mahabhringraj oil is an ayurvedic formulation that is difficult to make at home.
Bhringraj Botanical & Common Names:
Bhringraj Varieties:
There are two varieties of bhringraj that are very commonly found all over India, one produces white flowers and the other produces yellow flowers. Though both are used for making bhringraj oil, the white variety is most preferred as it gives the best results. Hair growth promoting properties of bhringraj has been proven through clinical research and you can read it here.
Bhringraj Oil Vs Mahabhringraj Oil
a. Bhringraj Oil:
We make bhringraj oil regularly at home and usually we make it by boiling fresh bhringraj leaves and amla together in coconut oil and you can find the recipe here. Bhringraj has been used from ancient times for hair growth and bhringraj oil is commonly made in most Indian homes to promote hair growth and to treat all scalp problems.
Though bhringraj is the main ingredients in both the oils, the additional ingredients vary a lot. Usually plain bhringraj oil contains easily available ingredients like amla, curry leaves, henna leaves, etc along with bhringraj leaves and can be easily prepared at home.
b. Mahabhringraj Oil:
Mahabhringraj oil contains ingredients like Red Sandalwood, Indian Sarsaparilla, Cow’s milk, Licorice, Turmeric, Indian Lotus, Red Ochre, Rubia Cordifolia (Manjistha), Prunus Cersoides, Symplocus Racemosa, Bala root, Barberis Aristata, Mesua Ferrea, Callicarpa Macropphylla (Priyangu), Brahmi and Amla.
Mahabhringraj oil may vary depending on the brand you are buying as each company have their own formulation but usually the additional ingredients to bhringraj are chosen from the ingredients mentioned above. Unlike bhringraj oil which is used only on the scalp, mahabhringraj oil is administrated nasally too for treating headache and poor eyesight.
How To Make Mahabhringraj Oil?
To make mahabhringraj oil, juices are extracted from the fresh herbs and the extracted juice is mixed with cow’s milk and pure unrefined sesame oil and boiled in low flame till the water content completely evaporates. Then the oil is filtered and bottled. Though you can make mahabhringraj oil at home, it will be difficult for many to get all the ingredients so it is best to get it from reputed brands.
How To Use Mahabhringraj Oils For Hair Growth?
Mahabhringraj Oil Price:
Mahabhringraj Oil Side Effects:
10 Benefits Of Mahabhringraj Oil For Hair Growth:
1. For Premature Greying:
Mahabhringraj oil is very useful for treating premature greying of the hair and will greatly help reverse grey hair if used on a regular basis.
2. For Dandruff:
It helps treat dandruff really really well. To treat dandruff, warm the oil and massage it well into the scalp at least weekly thrice.
3. For Scalp Infections:
Bhringraj has anti bacterial and anti fungal properties so it treats all the scalp infections really well. This oil can also be used as a home remedy for treating scalp infections like scalp psoriasis, scalp ring worm and scalp itchiness really well.
4. Scalp Inflammation:
Scalp inflammation can be caused due to either fungal or bacterial infections and since bhringraj have anti microbial properties, it helps treat both fungal and bacterial infections. And since mahabhringraj oil also have anti inflammatory properties, it helps bring down the inflammation really well.
5. For Hair Fall:
Mahabhringraj oil helps strengthen the hair roots and arrest hair fall immediately. If you are suffering from hair fall, I would suggest using this oil regularly. You will find that the hair fall stops very very quickly.
6. For Dry Hair & Split Ends:
Mahabhringraj oil conditions the hair really well. Regular use will soften the hair really well. If you are suffering from split ends, trim your hair at the ends and regularly use this oil. You will never again suffer from split ends and hair dryness.
7. For Baldness:
Regularly applying this oil will greatly help regrow hair in bald spots. Some women have bald spots in front hair line which is usually caused by tightly tying the hair into a ponytail or plait. A simple remedy for that is to not tie the hair too tightly and applying mahabhringraj hair oil on the bald spots daily. It will quickly help get back lost hair.
8. For Hair Growth:
Massaging with this oil will greatly help with hair growth. It improves the blood circulation, stops hair fall and encourages new hair growth. Try to use it regularly to see good results.
9. For Headache:
A warm massage with mahabhringraj oil is one of the best home remedies for headache. Mahabhraingraj oil should be warmed and massaged gently on the scalp and forehead for treating headache.
10. For Good Eyesight:
Mahabhringraj oil is applied nasally for improving the eye sight but I would highly suggest doing this only under medical supervision as some people experience burning sensation in the throat and nose.
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