Aerva Lanata is a popular plant that goes by the name Sirupeelai in Tamil. Aerva Lanata has wonderful medicinal uses and health benefits and it has been used both in ayurvedic and siddha medicine from ancient times. The powder popularly called sirupeelai powder is also widely used in Tamil Nadu.
It is especially well known for treating all kidney problems and has been traditionally used for treating kidney stones here in our place. Along with treating kidney stones, it is also well known for treating headaches, painful urination and it is also a wonderful natural deworming medicine.
Aerva Lanata Common Names:
It is called Mountain Knotgrass in English, Polpala in Sinhalese, Cherula | Cheroola in Malayalam, Gorakhbuti in Hindi, Bilesuli in Kannada, Chaya in Bengali, Pindi Kura in Telugu, Kapuri Madhura in Marathi and Bhui in Rajasthan.
Aerva Lanata Plant:
The plant is commonly found in Asia, Africa and Australia. Here in Tamil Nadu, during Pongal festival we adorn the house with this plant, it is a traditional custom that is still followed today. The plant produces small white flowers and is very very commonly found all over India. You can easily identify the plant with the small white flowers found in clusters all over the plant stem.
Aerva Lanta Chemical Constituents:
a. Alkaloids :
Some of the important alkaloids present in it are ervine, ervoside, aervine, methylaervine, aervoside, ervaolanine and methylervine.
b. Flavonoids:
Some of the important alkaloids present in it are kaempferol, quercetin, persinol, persinosides, etc. It also contains other compounds like lupeol, lupeol acetate, benzoic acid and tannic acid.
Aerva Lanata Traditional Uses:
Here in our place, it is popularly used for treating kidney stones and since the root is diuretic, it is also used for treating painful discharge of urine. We also use it for getting rid of intestinal worms. In some parts of India, it is used for treating fevers like pneumonia, typhoid and jaundice.
Aerva Lanata Medicinal Uses:
1. Antioxidant Properties:
Aerva Lanata possess wonderful antioxidant properties. Though here in our place we don’t use it in cooking, some cultures do use the leaves of the plant in cooking like any other greens. Consuming this plant is one of the best ways to enjoy it’s antioxidant potential.
2. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels:
Aerva Lanata lowers blood sugar levels and internal consumption will have a positive impact on diabetic patients. It not only helps blood sugar levels, it also helps prevent the decrease in body weight which normally many diabetic patients experience. You can read the study (it was done with alcoholic extract of Aerva lanata) that supports this claim
here.3. Treats Asthma:
Aerva lanata extract has been proven to be effective for treating asthma. It is common practice to give water decoction of the plant to treat asthma traditionally. In a study done on animal models, the aerial parts of the plant were shade dried, powdered, mixed with ethanol and dried in vacuum evaporator and given in different dosages and it
proved without doubt that it has anti asthma properties.
4. Treats Diarrhea:
The water decoction of the plant treats diarrhoea, many cultures use the water decoction for treating diarrhoea till today. In a study, both ethanol extract and water extract of cherula showed significant anti diarrhoeal properties and it helped reduce the intestinal transit. It’s anti diarrhoeal properties is due to it’s effect on intestinal transit.
5. Anti Urolithiatic Activity:
Aerva lanata is very very well known for treating kidney stones. Here in our place the water decoction of the plant is given for dissolving kidney stones. It also has a protective effect on the kidneys and is great for patients suffering from kidney problems but kidney patients should take it under medical supervision. You can read the study that supports this claim
here.6. For Getting Rid Of Intestinal Worms:
Aerva Lanata has wonderful anthelmintic properties and has been used for treating intestinal worms traditionally. It is particularly effective for treating tapeworms and you can use either the powder or the water extract of the fresh plant. Consume it for 3 days in empty stomach.
7. Anti Cancer Properties:
The plant also anti cancer properties. In a study, human cancer cell lines (leukaemia, prostate, colon and cervix) were treated with ethyl acetate and chloroform fraction of Aerva Lanata in the dosage of 30, 50 and 100 mg. 100 mg of both the fractions proved to be effective against all the cancer cell lines. You can read the study that supports this claim
here.8. Protects The Kidneys:
Aerva lanata has amazing nephrology protective properties, consuming Aerva lanata extract helped reduce elevated blood urea and serum creatinine levels so it is good for people suffering from kidney diseases but it is best to consume it after consulting a physician especially if you are suffering from other chronic diseases like diabetes or blood pressure.
Aerva Lanata Side Effects:
People who are on diabetic medication should be careful while consuming it as taking both diabetic medication and cherula might lower blood sugar levels drastically. In Sri Lanka, polpala tea is famous for cleansing the kidneys and is consumed regularly.
Pregnant women should not consume Aerva Lanata strictly as it has abortificient properties and since it has anti fertility properties, people who are trying for pregnancy also should avoid Aerva lanata.
3 Top Ways To Use Aerva Lanata At Home:
1. For Treating Intestinal Worms:

Take a cup of water and add around a handful of the leaves. Now boil till it reduces in half and have around 50 ml for 3 days in empty stomach.
2. Sirupeelai Powder For Treating Kidney Stones:

For dissolving kidney stones, 1/4 tsp of the powder can be mixed with hot water and had once a day till the kidney stones dissolve.
3. For Treating Diarrhea:

For treating diarrhea, boil the whole plant (flowers, root and stem) in a cup of water, strain and take around 4o to 50 ml. The whole plant decoction is a kidney cleanser and can be had as a tea for cleansing the kidneys. It can be also used as a gargle for sore throats.

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