Abutilon Indicum popularly called Thuthi Keerai in Tamil Nadu has amazing health benefits and uses. Thuthi leaves is a very popular remedy in Tamil Nadu for treating piles. All the parts of thuthi plant is used as a medicine and this plant is well known for it’s ability to treat all kinds of piles. It has got both anti inflammatory and analgesic properties making it very effective in treating all kinds of inflammation. Thuthi keerai is also a blood purifier and is rich in antioxidants. The antioxidant effect of abuliton Indicum has been proven through scientific research. Also the wound healing, anti ulcer activity, analgesic, hypoglycemic activity and anti inflammatory activity has been proven through research.
Thuthi Plant:
Thuthi Plant Botanical & Common Names:
Where To Buy Thuthi Keerai Powder?
Since thuthi is a very popular remedy for treating piles in Tamil Nadu, thuthi keerai powder can be found easily in nattu marundhu kadai, the shop that sells herbs. This plant can be found everywhere in Tamil Nadu, you can easily collect the leaves for the remedies. Else you can also sun dry and powder thuthi leaves and use it for treating problems like constipation and gum related problems.
Thuthi Plant Side Effects:
3 Top Medicinal Uses & Health Benefits Of Thuthi Keerai | Indian Mallow | Atibala Plant | Abutilon Indicum
1. Thuthi Leaves For Treating Inflammation in Piles:
Take the leaves and warm it in a pan along with pure castor oil and apply as a compress, this compress will greatly ease the inflammation. Along with this compress, if you consume the thuthi leaf decoction, it will give best results.
For the decoction, 3 big leaves of the plant can be boiled in a cup of water till it is reduced in half and had. Usually the treatment is done for a period of 45 days. The leaf decoction also will prevent constipation and purify the blood.
2. Thuthi Leaves For Treating Gum Disorders:
The leaf decoction made by boiling thuthi leaves in water along with little alum powder can be used for treating all gum disorders. Gargling with leaf decoction of thuthi along with little alum treats bleeding gums, inflammation and toothache.
3. Thuthi Leaves For Wounds:
Since it has antibacterial properties (it has been proven through clinical research too), it is great for treating all kinds of wounds. For treating wounds, grind the fresh thuthi leaves with turmeric and apply on the wounds. It will treat the inflammation, reduce the pain and infection.
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