5 Top Benefits, Uses & Side Effects of Giloy (Guduchi | Amruthaballi)

giloy benefits

Giloy also called Guduchi in India is an ancient herb that is used extensively in ayurvedic medicine. It is an amazing herb with wonderful medicinal uses and health benefits. The stem of giloy is the most used part but giloy leaves and roots are also used as a medicine. Giloy is an anti aging herb and it improves digestion, treats all types of fever, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, asthma, pcos, skin problems, heals even the worst type of wounds that does not heal for a long time and it improves the general health.

Giloy extract is a good tonic for liver, improves vision, reduces stress, treats cough and cold and heals all the problems of the stomach. It also increases platelet count and is very good for treating  dengue. Because of it’s anti pyretic properties, it is also used for preventing all types of fevers like typhoid, dengue, chikungunya and malaria.

Giloy Plant:

Giloy plant belongs to the family Menispermaceae and genus Tinospora. This plant can be found growing wild on trees and shrubs and it can be easily identified with the heart shaped leaves. The leaves have a perfect heart shape and giloy can be easily grown in pots at home. When trying to identify this plant make sure to look at the plant closely as many creepers are also heart shaped.

Look keenly at the color of the stem, the fruits and the size of the leaf etc. Guduchi bears fruits that are the size of a pea and it turns beautiful red on maturity. The stem is green and in our village there is an other creeper that has heart shaped leaves too but the stem is red, so make sure to look at the plant closely while identifying it.

Everyday evening, our dog Bruno and I go in search of herbs in our farm. It is a time that I look forward to everyday, as I feel really calm and serene when I am looking at plants and herbs. I haven’t noticed giloy lately in our farm, but ever since the water started flowing in the stream, it has started growing in abundance. Nowadays nothing makes me more happy than finding a herb that I am searching for and I was so very happy when I saw giloy.

What Is Neem Giloy?

Since giloy is a creeper it creeps all over the trees and it is very commonly found growing over neem tree. Giloy growing over neem tree is considered the best and is believed to have more medicinal properties. Though I couldn’t find any research supporting this claim, it is an ancient belief. In our farm, giloy can be found commonly growing over neem tree and even I reach out only for it for making giloy tea :).

Botanical & Common Names Of Giloy:

The botanical name of giloy is Tinospora Cordifolia and it is commonly called Heart-Leaved Moonseed | Indian Tinospora | Heart- Leaved Tinospora in English. This wonderful herb is called as Giloya | Guduchi | Giloy | Giloi | Giloe in Hindi, Seenthil Kodi | Amruthavalli in Tamil, Tippa Teega in Telugu, Amruthaballi in Kannada, Gulvel in Marathi, Gurch in Urdu, Gulancha | Gulancha Tinospora in Bengali, Amrita in Sanskrit, Gilogularich in Punjabi, Chittamruthu in Malayalam and Galo in Gujarati.

Giloy Chemical Constituents:

Many compounds are responsible for giloys amazing medicinal uses. Along with the active compounds mentioned below, many others like giloin, diterpenoid lactones, tinosporic acid are also present in giloy.


Alkaloids are found in the stem and root. Some of the alkaloids found in giloy are berberine, choline, palmatine, tembetarine, magnoflorine, tetrahydropalmatine, tinosporin, tetrahydro palmatine, isocolumbin, etc. They are responsible for anti inflammatory, anti cancer, anti viral properties.


Some of the important glycosides are 18-norclerodane glucoside, tinocordiside, tinocordifolioside, cordioside, palmatoside, etc. They are responsible for anti cancer properties and they also help treat neurological problems.


Some of the important steroids found in giloy are hydroxy ecdysone, ecdysterone, giloinsterol, etc are some of the important steroids found in giloy. They are found in the stem and are useful for reducing inflammation and has a protective effect.

Aliphatic Compounds:

Some of the aliphatic compounds present in giloy are octacosanol, heptacosanol, etc. They are found in the whole plant and have anti inflammatory and protective properties.

guduchi medicinal usesGiloy Medicinal Uses:

Since many biologically active compounds including alkaloids and steroids are present in different parts of giloy plant, it has amazing medicinal uses. The medicinal properties of giloy is amazing! It has anti diabetic, anti cancer, anti HIV, anti stress, anti spasmodic, anti arthritic, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, anti microbial, anti toxic, anti allergic, anti pyretic, anti malarial, anti tumor and liver protective properties!

1. Anti Diabetic Properties:

Giloy is wonderful for diabetic patients as it both helps reduce blood sugar levels along with preventing many of the complications associated with diabetes. One of the main complication of long term diabetes is diabetic neuropathy which results in nerve damage and giloy greatly helps prevent it.

2. Anti Allergy Properties:

Giloy has anti allergy properties and it is especially effective for treating allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is a condition in which the nose gets inflamed due to allergens in the sir. This can cause stuffy nose, sneezing, swelling and itchy eyes. Consuming giloy will greatly help reduce all these symptoms. You can read the study here.

3. Anti Cancer Properties:

Giloy due it’s presence of wide range of bioactive compounds have anti cancer properties and it has been proven to be effective against many cancer cell lines including prostate cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, skin cancer, etc. One another amazing use of giloy is it has protective effect and greatly helps reduce the side effects of cancer treatments

3. Anti HIV:

Another very interesting use of giloy is it’s protective effect on HIV patients. In a study, 68 patients received giloy extract for a period of over 6 months and after the trial almost 60 % of the people experienced drastic reduction in some of the severe side effects associated with the disease. There are even ayurvedic formulations using giloy for HIV.

4. Anti Arthritic:

Since giloy has anti inflammatory properties, it is widely used in ayurvedic formulations used for treating arthritis. Though there are many medicines for rheumatoid arthritis most come with lot of side effects. But Ayurvedic formulations containing giloy are equally effective but with little to no side effects, you can read the study that supports this claim here.

5. Antimicrobial Properties:

Giloy is widely used for treating skin diseases as it is effective against many of the gram positive bacterial strains including Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus, Salmonella Typhi, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, etc. Giloy, both when consumed internally or applied extranally will help treat skin infections. Topical application of giloy has been proven to be effective against scabies and other skin problems.

6. Neuro Protective Properties:

Giloy has neuroprotective properties and people who are suffering from neuro generative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc will benefit consuming giloy extract. Giloy exhibits neuro protection by increasing the dopamine levels and it also further reduces oxidative stress which greatly helps in locomotor activity.

7. Anti Stress Properties:

Another very interesting use of giloy is it’s stress reducing properties. It reduces both mental and physical stress. It improves cardiovascular performance and reduces physical stress caused due to intense exercise. In a study, a group of people were given 150 mg of giloy extract everyday for 28 days and by the end of the 28 days there was marked improved in the group of athletes that took giloy extract.

8. Anti Pyertic & Analgesic Properties:

Giloy extract helps reduce pain, inflammation and fever as it has anti pyretic, anti inflammatory and analgesic properties. Traditionally giloy tea is consumed for treating fever and it also helps reduce headache and body pain that is usually common during fevers. We usually make the tea with fresh stem, giloy tea is used for treating many type of fevers including dengue fever.

9. Anti Ulcer & Anti Diarrheal Properties:

Guduchi tea is a traditional remedy for treating stomach ulcers and diarrhea. Usually the fresh stem extract is given to patients and this traditional use has been backed by research and you can read the study here. Many are suffering from stomach ulcers due to increase in consumption of processed foods and highly stressful lives, try to consume giloy tea for a few days and it will greatly help.

10. Anti Depressant & Anti Psychotic Properties:

Giloy is a herb that treats both mental illnesses and physical illnesses equally effectively. It is very useful for patients who are suffering from depression, anxiety and acute stress. You can read the study that supports this claim here. One amazing thing about herbs like giloy is it helps treat the disease with minimal to no side effects at all.

giloy plantPreparations Using Giloy:

1. Giloy Juice | Giloy Ras:

Giloy juice | Giloy Ras is one of the best ways to consume giloy. Many companies sell giloy juice now but you can also make giloy juice easily at home. To make giloy juice, take the fresh giloy root, wash it well and grind it along with little water and extract the juice. Drink this homemade giloy juice immediately for best results.

There are also 2 varieties of giloy juice that is sold in the markets, one is made along with amla and is called amla giloy juice and the other is neem giloy which is made with neem leaves and giloy. You can make them at home by adding either amla or neem while grinding the giloy stem.

2. Giloy Satva | Seenthikodi Sakkarai:

Giloy satva is a very famous medicine. Though it is called sugar, in reality it is not sugar at all. It is made by grinding the giloy stem in water and the residue that settles down is taken and cleaned again and again. The final product is dried to a fine white powder. It is very difficult to make it at home and is best got from ayurvedic shops.

3. Giloy Powder | Giloy Churna:

You can either buy giloy powder from the shops or you can make it on your own by collecting fresh stems, sun drying them till crisp and grinding them to a fine powder. Make sure to sieve before storing to get very fine powder. This powder if stored away from moisture will last well for a few weeks.

4. Giloy Ghan Vati Tablets:

Giloy can be taken in the form of tablets too. Many Indian companies manufacture giloy tablets and Giloy Ghan Vati of Patanjali company is very famous. Also there are formulations like giloy kwath which includes other herbs along with giloy but please taken them after consulting an ayurvedic doctor.

5. Giloy Syrup:

Lastly giloy syrups are also sold but it is usually a combination of herbs like tulsi, amla and neem and wheatgrass depending on the company that you are buying it from. Research well and choose it according to your needs. We can also take giloy water extract (decoction) of giloy too.

Giloy Dosage:

The general suggested dosage of giloy powder is around 5 grams per day (can be  had mixed with pure honey) and the water decoction is around 1 to 2 tbsps per day. The general dosage for giloy tablets like giloy ghan vanti is 1 to 2 tablets per day. For kids it is best to take it under medical supervision, but the general dosage is usually 500 mg per day. These are general dosages but for treating specific illnesses please consult an ayurvedic physician. The normal suggested duration for improving immunity is usually around 60 to 90 days.

Ayurvedic Formulations Using Giloy:

Some of the important ayurvedic formulations using giloy are Guduchi Ghirta which is made with ghee, Guduchi Satva which is prepared from the stem, guduchi ghana which is the water extract, Shilajatu Rasayana which is useful for treating HIV patients, Matra Vasti which is used for treating arthritis, etc. I would suggest consulting an ayurvedic physician for the correct dosage especially if you are planning on taking giloy ayurvedic formulations for long durations of time.

Where To Buy Giloy?

We can buy giloy powders in most medical shops and herb shops. Giloy capsules, juice and syrup are also available easily all over India. If you are living abroad, you can order it online easily. Giloy plant can be easily grown at home and you can buy the plant in most nurseries. I would highly suggest growing it at home as fresh herb extracts are always better in my humble opinion.

Giloy Side Effects:

Guduchi is very dood for diabetic patients but it is best consumed by diabetic patients under medical supervision as it might lower the blood sugar levels significantly. Giloy has anti fertility properties which is reversible once you stop taking it. If you are trying for pregnancy, it is best to avoid giloy in any form. You can read the study that supports this claim here. Pregnant and feeding mothers should avoid guduchi and for some people, it might cause mild form of constipation otherwise this herb is very safe to use.

5 Top Health Benefits, Medicinal Uses & Side Effects of Guduchi | Giloy | Gulvel | Amruthaballi | Gulancha| Seenthil Kodi :

1. Giloy | Guduchi For Skin: Wounds, Gout, Psoriasis

amruthaballi health benefits

Giloy | Guduchi is wonderful for treating skin related problems. Both external application and internal consumption is done for treating skin related diseases. For wounds, take guduchi and pound in a mortar and pestle. Fry it in a little bit of neem oil and apply it as a poultice over wounds.

Take a large betel leaf and place it over the guduchi paste and secure the mixture with a bandage. This remedy heals wounds very fast. Guduchi leaves also can be fried in little castor oil and can be applied as a warm compress for treating arthritis and gout.

You can also make a tincture of guduchi using high proof alcohol and use it for treating all types of inflammation like turmeric tincture. But remember to use high proof alcohol else the tincture will surely spoil as we are using a fresh herb. Internal consumption of guduchi treats skin diseases like psoriasis too.

2. Giloy | Guduchi for Allergies:

giloy side effects

Guduchi gives amazing relief from allergies. A relative of ours had nasal allergies and she was taking medications for it for a long time. She used to sneeze continuously and her eyes will tear and she will have itchy eyes and ears.

Especially during the parthenium flowering season her allergies used to get worse. After years of  suffering and being on and off on medications, she started taking guduchi pills that are sold in the markets.

Now after a long time of suffering, she doesn’t get her allergic attacks anymore. She has completely stopped taking the medicines and uses only guduchi pills. Even I was spell bound and I can only say that if you want to experience real miracles, get to know and use these kind of wonderful herbs!

3. Giloy | Guduchi Satva | Seenthil Sakkarai: Best Liver Tonic

gulvel health benefits

Yesterday I was talking to my grandma about guduchi satva | guduchi sugar, the powder made from the stem that I mentioned before. I was surprised when my grandma said that she used to make it at home. Before I was born there was a long time helper who was an amazing herbalist and he had helped my grandma make it.

My grandma said eating a pinch of seenthil sakkarai or guduchi satva will keep the body from falling ill, is an immunity booster, treats respiratory problems and is used to keep the blood sugar level stable. It balances the doshas and it is a medicine that can be taken for a long time without any side effects. She said she used to take a pinch of it weekly twice or thrice.

It is also very good for liver and is the best liver tonic. It is best to buy guduchi satva from the shops, as it is difficult to make it at home correctly. You can also boil the guduchi satva along with little water and take it as a decoction, if you don’t want to take it as such.

4.  Giloy | Guduchi For Diabetics:

tinospora cordifolia medicinal uses

Giloy has been proven in the laboratory to reduce blood glucose levels and that too in a significant way. You can read the research that proves this claim here.  If you are a diabetic patient, you can use guduchi to lower the blood sugar levels.

But since diabetic patients will be on medications already, consuming guduchi might lower their blood sugar levels even more. Therefore it is very important that it is done under the supervision of a medical professional.

Long time sufferers of diabetic mellitus develop severe complications and one such complication is peripheral neuropathy i.e loss of sensation in the legs and hands. For this condition massaging the hands and legs daily both morning and evening with guduchi oil gives good relief. You can get guduchi oil easily online…

5. Giloy | Guduchi Tea: An Effective remedy For Fever, Cancer & For Improving Memory!

giloy medicinal uses

Guduchi tea is very easy to make and does not have any bitterness at all, in fact it is quite soothing to drink this tea. To make the tea, take a fresh stem of guduchi and remove the leaves. For a cup of tea around 5 to 6 slightly bruised guduchi stem around 1.5 inches in length will be enough.

Take around 5 pepper corns, 2 tsp of palm candy and 1/2 tsp of cumin seeds and crush coarsely in a mortar and pestle. Now add the cut cut guduchui stem and pound it till slightly mashes. Boil a cup of water in a pan and add the crushed pepper corns, guduchi, cumin seeds and palm candy mixture and let it boil.

Once it reduces to half a cup, strain and drink it. This tea treats all the stomach disorders, reduces stress in the body, improves memory, is a good home remedy for fever ( you can read the study that proves this claim here) and it is said to be an effective anticancer medicine.

giloy juice health benefits

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