3 Top Benefits of Vijaysar Tree | Pterocarpus Marsupium | Kino Tree | Vengai Tee

Vijaysar tree has amazing health benefits and medicinal uses. I spent the last weekend trekking in our local forest looking for herbs and medicinal trees, it was exhausting but I couldn’t have been more happier! When we started the trek I had only one request for our guide, it was to show me vijaysar tree without fail.

Vijaysar Tree:

Vijaysar tree is called Indian kino tree, vengai tree in Tamil, Bijasal in Hindi, Honne in Kannada and it has wonderful medicinal properties. It’s botanical name is Pterocarpus Marsupium. It is very very popular for it’s use in treating diabetes. After trekking for hours, I was quite happy as I could find lot of the herbs that I was looking for but still we couldn’t find the vijaysar tree.

The guide kept assuring me that there were quite a few vijaysar trees in the forest and I was sure to find one before we leave. All of us were exhausted and were ready to leave, I was quite disappointed. While returning the guide took us in a new path so we could see few more birds or herbs.

There in one side of the path was a beautiful, magnificent tree with beautiful yellow flowers and it was breathtaking to see it. I exclaimed how beautiful the tree was and the guide who was busy taking us in the proper direction looked up and exclaimed that it was the vijaysar tree! It was so exciting to watch the resin flowing down from the tree and I happily took a few pictures.

Vijaysar Health Benefits:

1. Vijaysar Wood Tumbler for Diabetes:

Vijaysar has been used for diabetics for thousands of years. Our ancestors had a unique way of using vijaysar tree for treating diabetics and it is by far the coolest treatment I have heard off. They made tumblers out of the vijaysar wood and patients were made to drink from this tumblers.

When the vijaysar wood is soaked in water for a few hours, it will release all it’s essence in the water. This medicated water has been proven through research that it reduced blood sugar levels significantly. You can easily buy the vijaysar tumblers online and the water that is poured into the tumblers will take on a reddish brown color but it has a neutral taste.

The tumblers are supposed to last for 45 days and then you need to buy a new one. If you are a diabetic patient who is already taking medications for it, you should check your blood sugar levels often as vijaysar reduces blood sugar levels significantly.

2. Vijaysar For Joint Pains:

Drinking vijaysar infusion also treats joint pains however it’s effect on joint pains has not been proven scientifically.

3. Vijaysar For babies:

In many villages of Tamil Nadu, vijaysar resin is used as a bindi for babies. I used to use only this resin for my son when he was a baby, I have given the method for using it below. Almost all the homes will have the resin, this resin will not cause any allergies and will have a pleasant smell. I love love this resin and would recommend to anyone who have young babies at home. You can easily purchase this resin in country medical shops.

How To Use Vijaysar Resin:

1. Vengai pal or vijaysar resin is usually collected in coconut shells and it hardens into a thick paste.

2. To use, take little boiled water and add a few drops on the resin and start rubbing.

3. You have to rub for a few seconds to get a thick paste. Apply a round dot on the babies forehead, it will dry fast. The best thing about vengai pottu is it can be washed of easily too..


  • Even babies with the most sensitive skin will not develop an allergy using vijaysar resin.
  • This resin lasts forever, after using let it dry and store in the coconut shell itself.

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