Terminalia chebula popularly called Haritaki in Hindi, Kadukkai in Tamil and Inknut in English has many health benefits and medicinal uses, it truly is a medical wonder! It is called the king of medicine as it has many wide medicinal uses. It has been extensively used in Homeopathy, Unani and Ayurveda.
It treats a wide variety of diseases from dark circles, pimples, teeth problems, grey hair, constipation, dark spots and for promoting hair growth and aiding weight loss. It is an ingredient that we first resort to for treating most of the small ailments at home.
Haritaki (Kadukkai) Common Medicinal Uses:
Actually the amount of diseases haritaki can cure is astonishing, it is used for treating arthritis, dental problems like caries and bleeding gums, skin problems like acne and eczema and for healing wounds! Kadukkai is also used for treating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, for treating constipation, for shrinking haemorrhoids when used externally and also for treating ulcers very effectively.
Kadukkai is also used for treating and preventing kidney stones, for improving digestion, for treating cough, sore throat, headache and for treating eye inflammations when used as an eye rinse. Finally it is commonly used for improving immunity, for treating fever along with reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels! No wonder it is called the king of all herbs :).
Haritaki (Kadukkai) Common Names:
Haritaki (Kadukkai) Tree Description & Habitat:
Terminalia chebula tree grows to a height of about 50 to 80 feet with spreading branches and round crown. The bark of the tree is dark brown with long cracks on it, the tree starts flowering during May to June. The flowers are dull white to yellow in color and has a strong unpleasant odor.
Terminalia chebula is found in most of the south east Asian countries. It is found in almost all the parts of India especially in deciduous forests and in areas of light rainfall. Here in Tamil Nadu, Terminalia chebula tree is found in almost all the deciduous forests.
Haritaki (Kadukkai) Fruit:
Types Of Haritaki (Kadukkai):
Though only 2 or three varieties of haritaki that are commonly available, it is still best to know all the different varieties. Usually they differ in their shape, size and growth.
1. According To Size:
The largest sized fruits which is almost 2 inches long and heavy is called Survari Harade. These are yellowish brown. Next is Rangari harade which are about an inch long. They are less furrowed and wrinkled than Survari harade and are yellow in color.
Bala harade comes next, they are smaller than the above two varieties, highly wrinkled and are deep brown to black colored. Finally there is Java harade which is the smallest of them all and is also deep brown to black colored.
2. According To Shape:
Vijaya, if it has gourd shape, it is given the most importance as it used to treat many diseases. Rohini, when it is round in shape, it is mainly used for treating wounds.
Putana if it has a large seed and less mesocarp, it is mostly used for external application. Abhaya, if it has five ribs, it is used for treating eye diseases. Jivanti if it is golden colored and Chetaki if it has three ribs.
3. According To Growth:
Haritaki (Kadukkai) Scientific Classification:
Haritaki (Kadukkai) Chemical Constituents:
- Tannins: Haritaki fruit is very rich in tannins amounting to almost 32% to 34%, this amount can vary according to the region it is found and are of pyrogallal type. Almost 14 tannins have been found in the fruit and some of them are gallic acid, chebulagic acid, punicalagin, chebulanin, corilagin, neochebulinic acid, ellagic acid, chebulinic acid and casuarinin.
- Poly phenols like corilagin, galloyl glucose, punicalagin, terflavin A, maslinic acid are also found in haritaki.
- Fatty acids: Palmitic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid are the main fatty acids found.
- Triterpenoid Glycosides: Chebulosides I and II, arjunin and arjun glucoside are some of the glycosides found in haritaki.
- Flavonoids: Rutin, quercetin, luteolin, isoquercetin are some of the flavonoids found.
Haritaki (Kadukkai) Traditional Uses:
- Traditionally haritaki has been used to treat eye diseases, constipation as it is an amazing laxative, almost all dental problems like bleeding gums, dental carries and mouth ulcers.
- We boil haritaki and use the liquid as a mouth rinse to treat various dental problems. Since haritaki paste has amazing anti inflammatory and analgesic properties, it has been traditionally used for treating wounds.
- Since it improves digestion, haritaki has been popularly used for treating indigestion, vomiting and lack of appetite. It is also used for treating all cold related problems including irregular fevers, cough, sore throat and asthma.
- It is also very popularly used by diabetic patients to reduce blood sugar levels and it also used for treating urinary problems.
Haritaki For Skin Care (Cosmetic Uses):
Haritaki is well known for it’s ability to treat a wide variety of skin diseases. Haritaki inhibits melanin production and has been proven to be very effective for removing pigmentation. Since it is rich in antioxidants, it prevents cellular ageing and keeps the skin blemish free.
It is also an amazing blood purifier and an amazing astringent. Kadukkai also is famously used for treating dark circles, open pores and pimples. When we suffer from skin problems like acne, it not only helps greatly reduce the inflammation but also helps treat it.
Haritaki In Ayurveda:
Haritaki has been regarded very highly from ancient times by traditional healers in India and it is widely used in ayurvedic medicine. It is also one of the three ingredients of the famous triphala which by itself signifies it’s importance in ayurvedic medicine.
Many ayurvedic medicines like dasamula haritaki lehyam (haritaki jam) and chitrak haritaki includes haritaki as one of the key ingredients and is used to treat a wide variety of diseases.
Haritaki (Kadukkai) Pharmacological Properties:
In addition to the below, haritaki has immunomodulatory, laxative, anti spasmodic, hypolipidemic, hypocholesterolemic, adaptogenic and antianaphylactic properties.
1. Alzheimer’s
One of the important medicinal use of haritaki is in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. This is due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of haritaki. The anti-inflammatory properties is attributed to the presence of chebulagic and gallic acid.
Antioxidant properties is due to the presence of high amounts of phenolic compounds, antioxidants helps reduce oxidative stress which is one of the major reason for Alzheimer’s disease.
2. Antidiabetic properties
Maltase and sucrase inhibitors reduce post prandial glucose levels by restraining the release of glucose. Haritaki has such properties and this is due to the presence of active compounds like chebulanin, chebulagic acid and chebulinic acid. Methanol extract of haritaki (80%) proved to have powerful maltase inhibitory activity.
3. Liver Protection
In a study, Diazinon, a synthetic insecticide which causes liver damage was given to rats. Serum GOT and serum GPT levels acts as indices for liver health, high levels of both these enzymes indicates liver dysfunction. When the rats were given kadukkai extract the levels of both these enzymes decreased.
This is due to the presence of tannins, flavonoids, sterols, resins, fructose, and amino acids present in kadukkai. Defective liver also leads to decrease in serum urea level and kadukkai also helps restore the metabolism of urea in the liver, this is due to the high amount of antioxidants present in it.
4. Joint Health
The water extract of haritaki improves joint mobility, in a study done on 105 overweight people who experienced no joint pain at rest, 84 days of haritaki water decoction improved overall joint and knee health. Since it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, it has anti arthritic properties too so people who are suffering from arthretic pain will greatly benefit consuming haritaki.
5. Anticancer properties
Haritaki has wonderful anticancer properties too. In a study, harithaki extract has been proven to be effective against human breast cancer cells, human osteosarcoma cells, human prostate cancer cells and non tumorigenic immortalized human prostate cells.
Haritaki extract decreased the amount of cancer cells, inhibited cancer cell proliferation and also caused cell death. Gallic acid found in haritaki also inhibits the growth of esophageal carcinoma cells and you can read the study that proves it here.
6. Hypolipidemic properties
Traditionally haritaki is given to reduce high cholesterol levels. Regular consumption of haritaki extract has been proven to reduce total cholesterol, triglyceride and it also helped increase the level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL). This is due to the high amounts of saponins, phytosterols, chebulinic acid and corilagin found in haritaki.
7. Anticaries
At home, we regularly use haritaki mouth rinse. Haritaki water extract has been proven to be very effective against salaivary streptococcus mutans. Tannins found in haritaki is responsible for the antimicrobial properties against S. mutans.
In a study done on 60 children between ages of 8 and 12 years with high caries risk, using haritaki mouthrinse greatly reduced after 10 minutes of using haritaki mouth rinse (10 % concentration). The best part was this effect was retained for 3 hours!
8. Wound Healing Properties
We also use haritaki water extract as wound wash and it has been proven to greatly help in faster wound healing. Tannin found in haritaki promotes cutaneous wound healing due to its angigenic and antibacterial properties. If you are suffering from any kind of wound, try to use haritaki extract without fail.
9. Larvicidal and Ovicidal Properties
Mosquitoes are one of the major sources of illness and death world over. Than using chemical based mosquito repellents that cause side effects, it is important that we find natural source of mosquito repellents and haritaki is one among them.
Benzene, hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extract of haritaki all have larvicidal properties and they are effective against Anopheles stephensi, Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus variety mosquitoes.
10. Analgesic Properties
Another very important and significant effect of haritaki is its analgesic, anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In a study done on 12 healthy volunteers, consuming haritaki greatly increased pain threshold and pain tolerance when compared to placebo so people suffering painful conditions like arthritis, body aches and inflammation will greatly benefit consuming this amazing herb.
Where To Buy Kadukkai (Haritaki)?
1. Haritaki Fruits:
Though 7 varieties are mentioned, we only get two types, large variety (Vijaya) which is used in ayurvedic medicine, it is the best to use for all home remedies, detoxification and rejuvenation. The smaller variety (Chetaki) which are unripe fruits that are small and seed less and are mainly used for treating constipation.
While buying haritaki make sure to buy matured ones and sun dry them till crisp and then store in an airtight box. Haritaki stores well and can be stored in an airtight box for almost 6 months to 1 year.
2. Haritaki Churna | Powder:
Haritaki powder also called haritaki churna in the north and kadukkai podi in the south is the ground up fruit after the seeds are removed.
Try to buy organic haritaki churna for best results. You can also make your own haritaki powder at home by removing
the seeds and sun drying the outer shells of the fruit till crisp and then powdering it in a dry mixer.
3. Haritaki Capsules:
How To Use Haritaki?
- You can take haritaki internally by mixing haritaki powder in water. You can also make an infusion of the pounded fruit (after removing the seeds) with water, strain and use. Externally you can apply the paste of the fruit by rubbing it with water in a stone.
- Traditionally, it is advised to take haritaki with jaggery during summer, with rock salt during rainy season, with honey during spring, with sugar during autumn, with ginger during early winter and with long pepper during winter. I always have haritaki churna at home and I use it extensively in home remedies.
- Last week, my brother in law was suffering loss of sensation in the tongue. He was complaining that he couldn’t feel any taste at all in his mouth and this problem was going on for almost a month. I made a mouth rinse with haritaki and asked him to rinse his mouth with it twice daily for 10 days. Within a few days, he said he was feeling better and by the end of the 10 days, he had completely gotten back his sense of taste.
Haritaki Dosage:
Haritaki Side Effects:
- Haritaki can be taken for long duration’s without any side effects as it has low toxicity but if you are on any medications please consult an ayurvedic doctor for the correct dosage.
- Pregnant women should not take haritaki at all. Lactating mothers should never take haritaki as a single herb in large dosage as it might reduce breast milk and even then I would suggest consulting with a doctor before consuming.
- Diabetic patients should be careful before taking haritaki regularly as it reduces blood sugar levels so the blood sugar levels should be monitored closely.
- It is best to avoid haritaki in children below 5 years old but if you plan to give them, do it only under medical supervision.
- Haritaki is considered a male contraceptive and it has been proven to be true so men should be aware of it before taking it on a regular basis.
10 Top Medicinal Uses & Health Benefits Of Kadukkai (Haritaki):
1. Haritaki For Weight Loss:
Haritaki is well known for it’s ability to remove toxins from the body. It keeps the digestive system in peak order. It also prevents bloating sensation, acidity and helps in proper assimilation of food.
Haritaki is a natural blood purifier and it helps detoxify the body naturally. Consuming haritaki will regulate the hunger and combined together with a sensible diet and exercise will aid in weight loss naturally. To use haritaki for weight loss, you can take 1/4 tsp of haritaki powder mixed with hot water everyday.
2. Haritaki For Grey Hair & Hair Growth
Haritaki oil when used on the hair prevents lice infection, premature greying and dandruff very effectively. You can use it as a daily application hair oil. To make haritaki hair oil, heat a cup of coconut oil in a pan and add the 3 haritaki pods after pounding them (remove the seeds after pounding).
Once they turn light brown in color, switch off the flame, let cool and store it in a glass bottle. Use this oil regularly to prevent lice infection, greying and dandruff. This oil effectively treats hair loss too. Haritaki powder can also be used in hair packs, it can be mixed along with curry leaf powder, amla powder and yogurt to form a paste and then applied on the hair.
3. Haritaki For Cough In Infants & Adults:
Haritaki is amazing for treating cough in both adults and children (above 5 years). Mix haritaki powder with raw honey and give it to kids for 2 to 3 days. Some children might vomit when they consume haritaki for the first time as it is bitter, that is normal and one need not worry about it. They will get used to it very soon.
A big pinch (around 2 gms) will be good for children around 5 to 7 years. Give around 1/4 tsp of haritaki powder for children between 7 to 10 years. This remedy will treat cough very effectively. Try not to use haritaki powder continuously for children without medical supervision.
4. Haritaki For Constipation:
Kadukkai powder is a natural laxative that is available to us. Many suffer from constipation and take medicines for it continuously. Having a traditional diet that is rich in fiber and using natural laxatives like kadukkai podi | powder will keep our bowels in good health.
Regularly consuming medicine for constipation will make a person dependent on them and of course the side effects of bloating and flatulence when the laxative medicines are taken regularly too. Stock up on this natural laxative and use it whenever you suffer from constipation.
For the remedy, take 1/4 tsp of haritaki powder in a bowl, boil water and add to the haritaki powder. Drink once it comes to lukewarm temperature before going to bed. You will find yourself free from constipation the next day morning.
5. Haritaki For Dark Circles:
Haritaki is very effective in treating skin allergies especially ear allergy caused by wearing metal earrings. Gold and silver earrings doesn’t produce any allergies. But metal earrings will not agree with everyone as some of these metal earrings contain nickel.
Some times if we wear these earrings for longer duration, the earlobes turn itchy, red and swollen. For this problem haritaki is the best answer. Just take a haritaki and rub it on the sandalwood stone with little boiled water.
You have to rub it hard as the skin of the haritaki is hard. The paste is light green in color. Take this paste and apply on the affected area. Usually it gives good relief from pain and reduces inflammation very quickly.
6. Haritaki For Acne:
Since haritaki has got both antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties, it is very effective for treating acne. A simple paste made with haritaki powder and boiled water when applied on acne heals it very quickly. It also prevents scars from forming along with reducing the inflammation greatly. Another wonderful use of haritaki for skin is UV protection.
Haritaki extract when applied on the skin topically prevents UV damage very effectively and this use has been proven through clinical research too. Haritaki face pack made by mixing haritaki powder with milk also reduces pigmentation well.
7. Haritaki For Acidity:
Haritaki is well known to cure all stomach related problems from acidity and indigestion to constipation very effectively. Haritaki increases the mucus production in the stomach forming a protective barrier thus preventing acidity and ulcer.
Since haritaki has both anti ulcer and gastroprotective properties, people who are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, acidity and ulcers will benefit taking haritaki.
You will find good improvement within few days of taking haritaki. For the remedy, take around 1/4 tsp of haritaki powder and mix it in hot water and drink till the problem disappears.
8. Haritaki For Diabetes:
Haritaki improves insulin sensitivity and helps to regulate the blood sugar levels very effectively so haritaki is very very useful for diabetic patients. The interesting part is many of the diabetic medicines had some side effects when taken regularly whereas haritaki did not have any side effects at all.
But diabetic patients should monitor their blood sugar levels closely when taking haritaki and diabetic medications together as it might lower blood sugar levels drastically.
9. Haritaki For Teeth & Mouth Ulcers:
Haritaki has anti cariogenic properties and can be used for treating many dental problems including mouth ulcers and bleeding gums. The best way to use haritaki for treating mouth ulcers is by making a mouth rinse with it. For making the mouth rinse, pound kadukkai using a mortar and pestle. Don’t pound it too finely, just break the outer covering.
Then boil the broken haritaki with a cup of water. The color of the water will change to dull yellow color. Cool this infusion and rinse your mouth with the infusion several times a day. This mouth ulcer home remedy usually gives good relief very quickly. This mouth rinse also treats bleeding gums and prevents tooth decay and mouth odor.
10. Haritaki For Eyes:
Haritaki has been used for treating eye diseases for a very long time. If you are suffering from eye inflammations or diseases that affects the eye like pink eye then you will greatly benefits using haritaki as a eyewash.
To use haritaki as an eye wash, pound haritaki to small pieces and boil till the color of the water changes. Switch off and strain through a muslin cloth else if small particles remain, it will irritate the eyes when we use it as an eye wash. Use this an eye wash morning and evening till the infection goes away.
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How could we use for weight loss
Before sleep 5 grams of powder and mix with worm water then drink
Hi Nalini, Kadukkai improves our digestion, helps in proper assimilation of food, treats constipation and remove the toxins from the body which are all vital for healthy weight loss. Combined with a healthy diet and exercise, it will aid in weight loss. To use, take around 3 to 4 pinches of kadukkai powder along with water daily along with a healthy diet and exercise.
Hi were do I find this . kadukkai can u send me the link .
You can find kadukkai in country medical shops (naatu marunthu kadai in Tamil). You can also order it through online shops, here is a link: amazon.in
I am taking liver medicines and I am having ulcer issue also can I take this poeder
this kadukai available in ayurvedic shops
Is it safe to take it everyday? I always have constipation on and off.
Hi Naveen you can contact me , we supply Haritaki regularly even for over seas. The hand picked haritaki nuts cleared as per rules . Hand pounded to retain the highest benefitphone no 9444901864
when to take haritaki after meals or before meals???
Hi mam, it cure the piles? If its cure piles, how many days to take that powder to cure??
I just started using Kadukka, and get you all when it showing improvements.
Dear Ramya, Thanks for the home remides. It always help me.hema
no problem
I've been using kadukkai powder for several months and has helped me relieve constipation. But in the market 2 colours of the powder are available – green and brown. which one is genuine. Pl. clarify.
I am very sorry for the late reply. There are 7 varieties of haritaki and they all vary in color & size. I think the color change depends on the variety of fruit the powder is made from. Please check on the packet whether they have mentioned the variety of the haritaki that it has got from…
Thank You
Madam, Namaste.My question is, Is it safe to take harritaki powder daily for constipation?or is there any side effect of it while consuming daily?I am taking Udarkalp Churn of Patanjali Ayurveda.There are so many naturalremedies in it..So i wanted to know for very long.Please Reply.Thank you..
Namaste Sir, As far as I researched haritaki powder is safe to be consumed everyday for long term without any side effects….
Is there any harm taking haritika powder two tea spoon with water every night for long period to relieve constipation?
As far as I know haritaki powder can be safely consumed for a longer duration, only pregnanat women and diabetics should be careful about taking it regularly…
I would also suggest increasing the dosage of haritaki powder slowly over time so the body can adjust to it easily…
What happens if pregnant women eats does it affect the foetus mam
Dear Mam,Previously (6+ months) I am using Kadukkai daily in my activities, right now my pregnancy has been confirmed, Please advice me will it be harmful for me of intake Kadukkai, reason for asking this even after the article said it clearly, I want a confident answer for me for intaking kadukkai even at pregnancy.
Hi Mega, Congrats on your pregnancy! Please stop taking kadukkai during your pregnancy. In fact you should be cautious of taking any herb without knowing whether it 100% safe during pregnancy….
Is it okay to use harda powder iff you want to conceive baby after a year.
You can take haritaki powder…
Whats problem for diabetics, talking harder Plz send replay
Haritaki is very effective in reducing the blood sugar levels so if you are taking diabetic medications, you should monitor the blood sugar levels very closely and often…
What about high sugar levels like 400? Can we take it with allobathy medicines ?
You can take haritaki while taking alopathy medicines but when planning on taking both allopathy medicines and haritaki for diabtetes, I would suggest strongly to do it only under medical supervision as you have to monitor the blood sugar levels closely….
My mother is a hypothyroid, she feels sour taste in mouth often, burning in throat, she don't have constipation. please suggest how kadukai can help her to improve digestion and how much and when to take.
Hi Shilpa, 1/2 tsp haritaki powder after lunch will work well, mix it in water and give for a week…
I live in the US and I have a severe cold and cough, where can I buy HARITAKI Fruit in USA
Ask for harde whole in herb shops or for haritaki in Indian shops…
You can also easily buy haritaki through online shops like amazon too…
Usually Indian grocery stores have a section where they have herbal hair oil etc. You can look fur Haritaki. Amazon might charge you slightly more. Best wishes n regards, Ravichandran.
I get both powder and whole dried fruit from Indian grocery store in USA. Harde is young fruit, and haritaki the mature fruit. I find starting at low dosage and increasing gradually helps. Also, taking at night before bedtime is better than consuming in morning..morning consumption quickly result in laxative effect with same dosage
What is the DAILY dosage of Haritaki is typically used for adults, by that I mean the QUANTITY of Haritaki , is it 1 fruit per day and if its powder how many grams of powder is good for daily intakecan I mix Haritaki powder in water or fruit juice and drink it. Thank you
Usually 2 to 5 grams of the haritaki powder is considered the safe dosage. You can consume the powder mixed with honey…
Which part of kadukkai should I be eating ? My weight is only in tummy area, will it help ? Is it better to eat twice a day in empty stomach early morning n evening ?
Try haritaki | kadukkai powder, kadukkai has been proven to reduce the cholesterol levels. Usually the dosage is around 1 to 5 grams of the powder once a day, I would suggest visiting an ayurvedic doctor as he would suggest the correct dosage depending on your current weight and body type…
Your doing a good job…..nice….kip going
Kadukkai powder is no doubt a superb natural remedy for several ailments, more particularly constipation. But its nature or potency is hot, I feel. It would be better to compensate for it by consuming a natural herb of cold potency. I would be happy if Ms.Ramya can clarify. I am taking kadukai powder in the night and observing its heat effects, I now take soaked methi in water in the morning. Pl. clarify if what I am doing is right. — VP.Prabhakar
Haritaki's potency is hot and that is why in hot country like our especially during summer it was advised to take it along with jaggery. It also depends on the body type of the person who is taking it….
mam . . I heard that kadukai leads to men's impotent issue , is that true ??
Please watch this video, it clearly explains the effects of haritaki on sexual health: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdhM8FJdsOI
Mam, This video is very useful, Could u pls advise us which will help for mens sexual health.
I have recently been eating and making a juice and drinking haritaki seeds for about a month. I have noticed that my menstrual cycle has not happened since. I have been tested for pregnancy and I am not pregnant. I am wanting to know has anyone had any similar side effects from ingesting Haritaki
Hi Prima, The dosage of haritaki is important, the usual dosage is around 1 tsp. What dosage are you taking?
Hi, I have an autoimmune that effects my sinuses I've lost my sense of smell and taste due to chronic inflammation what do you suggest. I've been drinking the haritaki in distilled water from recommendation but its not helping also I've been using the neem oil in my sinuses to no avail, PLEASE HELP!!!
A few months back, my cousin lost his sense of taste, I boiled the pounded haritaki in water and asked him to gargle with it for a week, it really worked for him. I would also suggest you try oil pulling regularly, it will greatly help in getting back the sense of taste. Also try the vitex steam from the blog, it will also greatly help…
Hi ramya I am using green tea, adding up kadukai powder to chart does it have any side effect with apple cider vinegar or should I leave green tea and ACV, how much time would be taken reduce weight with proper diet
Hi, I don't know about apple cider vinegar + green ta+ kadukkai combination. But kadukkai does help in lowering the overall cholesterol in as little as 14 days, you can read about the study here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3255428/
Hi dear ramya I am taking kaya KALPAM,of (kasthuri manjal,vellai milahu,nelli vathal,& veppam vithu) for the pacst 3 years. In the morning…nowdays I am start taking i tea spoon ofkadukkai at every night..for the past 3 months…will it b any side on me…pls reply…
Kadukkai can be taken be taken safely for long duration's without any side effects but please don't overdose on kadukkai. If in doubt of the dosage for your body consult an ayurvedic practitioner…
Dear Ramya,While searching about kadukkai, I came across your article and the information the way you had presented is amazing. Thanks for your work. Just a couple of doubts I wanted to get it clear. 1. My bowel movements are irregular. Please advise if we can use it on regular basis. My doubt is if we consume regularly, do I become a dependant on this Kadukai.2. My mother is an asthma patient. I heard in a TV program that phlegm can be controlled when the kadukari powder along with salt is consumed. Please advise if she can consume. she is 60 and not a diabetic.3. Please let me know if we can apply kadukai powder paste for treating dandruff.Thanks in advance
1. I would suggest taking kadukkai powder for a period of 2 to 3 weeks regularly and then use it when needed.2. Kadukkai powder can be consumed for treating asthma and your mom can take it.3. Kadukkai has been proven to have anti dandruff properties through clinical research and you can you can apply the paste for treating dandruff
Hi Ramya, is it true the Kadukkai powder can increase oxygen level in the body and also purify the blood ?
Kadukkai does increase the oxygen levels and helps to purify the blood…
i brought some haritaki (not power) from market.. which part of that should i eat.? the inside portion or both inside and outside portion
The outer shell of the haritaki should be consumed …
hai ramya madam,i used to drink milk with pnang karkandu daily night before to sleep.My doubt is,whether i can take kadukkai powder with warmwater after sometime taking milk.Suggest me and also how kadukkai powder to be used for dandruff.
You can take haritaki powder after consuming milk. Mix haritaki powder with oil like mentioned in the post and apply on the scalp for treating dandruff…
thank u
Hi ramya, I was asked to take kadukai powder and boil with water and drink twice a day for 48 days.. Unfortunately I'm unable to bare the taste of it. Would it be OK if I mixed the powder in honey and consume it instead? Or will it alter the benefits somehow? Please let me know .. Thank you ..
Hi, you can take kadukkai powder mixed with honey. Actually it is generally advised to take kadukkai mixed with honey during spring season and it will in no way reduce the health benefits…
hi ,i bought whole dry kadukkai . How to make it powder? i used the outer pulp , and powdered it. threw away the inner seed. is that correct thing to do? thanks in advance
Pound the kadukkai with a hammer and remove the inner seed, dry the outer shell well under hot sun covered with a thin mesh and then powder in a dry mixer and store…
Hi , is this safe for nursing moms to take.
Nursing moms should not take haritaki as it might reduce the breast milk production…
Hi…Madam… if i am taking haritaki power i am getting my ears blocked.. ?pls guide..
I am sorry I have never heard of haritaki powder causing ear blockage, in fact haritaki is used for preventing all kinds of ear infections…
Hi Ramya. Can I take tablets of haritaki? Is it beneficial to me as my gall bladder was removed before 6 yrs ?plz help me. I have a problem of continuously weight gain.
Hi, you can take haritaki tablets daily. As far as I researched taking haritaki will no way be harmful but I would suggest taking the correct dosage…..
I have 6 weeks old baby who has very bad acid reflux. She make lot of grunting and stretching noise all day long. Please advice if this herb is okay to give on infant? Thank you!
We generally give a give a combination of three herbs weekly once and we call it kulumai in Tamil. The paste consists of haritaki, Oakgall and nutmeg. This prevents all stomach ailments, I will post about it briefly very soon…
Hi,I live in USA.. is it safe to use haritaki for pre diabatic? My A1C level is little higher than normal. .
Taking haritaki is safe in fact it has been proven to have anti diabetic activity, you can read about the clinical study here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18058598
Hi, Ramya, I am impressed for the services u r providing. Thank you and hatts of to you. I am heavy diabetic. If I take regularly Harde powder in the morning and keep control that suger level does not go down, then its Ok if I take every day ? Eventually I may reduce my regular medicine of diabetes.
Hi, Ramya, I am impressed for the services u r providing. Thank you and hatts of to you. I am heavy diabetic. If I take regularly Harde powder in the morning and keep control that suger level does not go down, then its Ok if I take every day ? Eventually I may reduce my regular medicine of diabetes.
Hello sir, thanks a lot for your kind words. You can take haritaki if you monitor the blood sugar levels closely. But start with a small dosage of haritaki powder and increase it gradually….
Namaste Madam I Am Bijay From Odisha I am A business Owner and also a dj my work to seat 10 hours continuously daily i am suffering from constipation and external piles(No Pain) yet i was taking divya arsh kalp vati but i don't think that it is working. if i use haritaki then will it cure my problems Please suggest mam
Namaste Sir, Yes haritaki will be useful for treating constipation. Try to get pure haritaki powder and consume it before going to bed…
Hi madam .my blood insulin level is high . but my sugar normal . but some time it goes low can i have can i have kadukkai. because of this insulin high i have depression anxiety. so can u please help me can i take kadukkai.
Hi, I would suggest taking triphala powder as it has a good effect in controlling insulin levels….
Thank u madam . i am under homeopathy treatment. can i have it . my homeopathy docter told me because of my mind problem depression anxiety. i have more insulin. is there any thing to boost my brain function.
Triphala will help in brain function too, I would suggest taking it for some time…
Hi Madam Ramya, I have started taking Kadakkai podi for about a week. I swallow 1 teaspoonful of powder followed by plain water before bed. Is it correct or should mix it with hot water? I have prostate problem & runny nose every morning. Thanking you in anticipation.
Hi Sir, You can consume kadukkai powder as it is like you mentioned but since it is bitter usually it is mixed with hot water or milk or honey and consumed….
Halo madam, Please correct me if my question is wrong. I heard that consumable of haritaki powder creates sexual disorders. Hence it is not advisable to take before having sex. Is it true madam. Please excuse me if i am wrong
Please watch this video, it clearly explains the effects of haritaki on sexual health: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdhM8FJdsOI
Hello madamDo we get loose stools and stomach pain when we start taking the kadukkai powder during the initial days
Hello Sir, I have not heard of haritaki causing stomach pain as it is always recommended for treating all stomach related problems. but haritaki is a laxative and I would suggest taking the correct dosage to prevent any side effects….
I would also suggest increasing the dosage of haritaki powder gradually…
I came across your blot while researching haritaki.Thank you so much for your selfless service.I live in us and had no issues 6 years ago.After 2009 my health is deutariating western medicine labelled me with fibromyalgi;rhematoid arthritis ;anklolysing artheropathy eventhough my all blood test are boarderline normal.I have muscle pain and if I stand or walk my leg muscles get tight if I do anything with arm my forearm muscle get tight.I have no immunity so if I walk by anyone smoking I get cough and last longer.can taking hartaki after lunch would help me? My body composition is I think vata cougha.please help.I am57 year old woman.I would appreciate if you can please help.
Hi Mam, In my humble opinion I would suggest that you consider taking ashwagandha as it really boosts immunity and strengthens the muscles, you can read about it in the blog…
My 2yrs old is suffering from severe constipation and hardness of stook.i have tried many things but nothing works..please suggest a remedy
My son had infant constipation too but once he stared on solids (fiber rich foods), it went off instantly. I would suggest giving him ragi porridge for breakfast it will greatly help and also try giving him raisin water daily….
I am 57 year old lady living in us.for last 6 years my health is going down.no immunity so get sick frequently. My muscles get tight and pains if I walk or do housework.neck back arm leg pain.my composition is vata cougha I was told.if I take haritaki after lunch would it help? I vomit a lot I used to work full time now cannot work more than one day a week..please help.
I am a 57 yr old woman living in the US. For the last 6 years I have had chronic pain in my hips my ankles and many muscles. I have no energy and my blood tests are coming out border line normal yet they are diagnosing me with fibromalgia rheumatoid arthiritis ankolysing arthropathy. Can you help me? Can taking haritaki help? If so how much do I take?
Mam I have replied to your query above…
Hi mammy hubby suffers from 'burp'(what we say 'yeppam' in tamil)throughout the day .I am giving him sukku kappi for the past one week.will kadukkai help him from getting rid of burp?
Haritaki can be used for all the problems of the stomach and you can give it to him. I would also suggest trying the oma water from the blog….
Hello Madamm,I m KALPESH from Gujarat and I have been operated for Piles before 2 month. There was sevear bleeding and my hemoglobin reached to 7 so I need to do surgery urgently. After 2 month again my constipation problem got started . I would like to know that I want to improve my consolation problem from root ,so how much dosage should I take daily with warm water and for how many days it is to continue.? My body intestine is hot , so guide me as per my need…
Hi Sir, Haritaki will greatly help you with constipation. But I would kindly suggest consulting an ayurvedic physician for the correct dosage and the duration to be taken for your body type and age…
Taking Small Haritaki powder is V.good for eyes But Care Who Have High B.P. They should use very small Does
Thank u madam . i am under homeopathy treatment. can i have it . my homeopathy docter told me because of my mind problem depression anxiety. i have more insulin. is there any thing to boost my brain function.
Hi madam . is there any thing to boost my brain function
Thank u madam
I would suggest brahmi, it boosts brain function and also reduces stress and anxiety. Yo can take it in the form of capsules, you can read about brahmi in the blog…
I would like to lose weight . I started consuming today with 1 teaspoon. How long should I consume to have better results.
Haritaki can be consumed for long periods of time without any major side effects but it has to be combined together with exercise and a good diet to really see good results…
கடுக்காய் பொடி உபயோகிப்பபதால் தலை சுற்றல் மற்றும் ஓவ்வாமை ஏற்படுமா. தயவு செய்து விளக்கமளிக்கவும். மேலும் எனக்கு மலச்சிக்கல் பிரச்சனை உள்ளது.
Kadukkai powder lowers blood sugar levels so diabetic patients should be careful when taking haritaki as it can further lower the blood sugar levels. I would also suggest increasing the kadukkai powder dosage slowly that way it will be easy to adjust to it very well…
கடுக்காய் மலசிக்கலக்கு மிகவும் நல்லது. கடுக்காய் பொடி உபயோகிப்பதால் தலை சுற்றல் மற்றும் ஓவ்வாமை ஏற்படாது ஆனால் தயவு செய்து சரியான அளவை உட்கொள்ளவும்….
Hi mam,Its that kadukkapuli or kadukkapodi.Where can i get…..
It is kadukkai podi, you can get it in country medical shops…
Hai ramya madam, I am 30 years old. i have been suffering from the worst disease called halitosis for almost 4 years. i have tried so many medicines but none could rectify it. i still afraid of speaking with others, it disgraces me while speaking to others when i see them to close their nose. i have also constipation for 3 years, dry mouth and dry throat. my question is does haritaki help me to cure this disease. pls answer or suggest what should i do. i am a system operator who used to work by sitting.
You can try haritaki mouth rinse from the blog, it will greatly help. You can make the mouth rinse and use it daily for 2 to 3 days and then make a new batch again. Also try to increase the intake of water daily…
Hello,Would you recommend haritaki for inflammation?If so, what about inflammation of the urethra in a male?Thanks for your kind advice,
Haritaki is very useful for treating inflammations and is an analgesic too, you can read about the study proving it here:http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=41900. But I would suggest consulting an ayurvedic physician for inflammation of the urethra and for the correct dosage…
Hi Ramya Mam how are you?I'm muthukumar Your article is very nice and useful.I want to know that Haritaki powder can improve the memory power and it can reduce laziness or not and how to use for that please help me Mam. Thanks in advance….
Hi, I am fine thank you. Kadukkai powder does increase the memory and you can find the study that proves it here: http://www.jbiopharm.com/index.php/ajbps/article/view/283. However for the correct dosage I would suggest consulting an ayurvedic physician…
Generally i know from others that by Using Haritki yr bowel comes like diherea. So tht i m afraid of it and taking isabgul but i have some indigestion problem still.wht u suggest?
I would suggest taking haritaki powder but increase the dosage gradually so your body gets used to it, that way there will be minimal side effects…
Hello Ma'm, I have been taking 1 teaspoon Powdered Baal Harad at night from a week with lukewarm water. After taking that i have vomitting sensations a lot and l also vomitted once . Please help as where am i missing out or what care should i take while consuming that.
Stop taking it for a few days and then I would suggest slowly increasing the dosage of the harad. Start with 1/8 tsp and if it agrees with your body, increase it again the next week and so on till the required dosage. This will help the body adjust to harad well without any side effects…
hi ramaya,I wish to know for menopause, daily suffering heart palpation and depression anxiety its been over 2yrs. what is your advice.i am weak with muscle and nerves in pain. Before this i have never got sick. but this symptom is very horrifying.pls advice.rgds
I am so very sorry for the late reply, I would suggest ashwagandha (you can read about it in the blog) as it greatly helps in menopausal symptoms. You can take it either as a powder or in tablet form. You can also read the study that proves it here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=ashwagandha+for+menopause&cmd=DetailsSearch
Madam,Aswagandha or Sathavari is the best to coop with menopause. Is there any difference ?Please advise
Hi sir, both ashwagandha and shaavari are good but shatavari is considered the best for treating menopausal symptoms. Ashawagandha strengthens and reduces inflammation, shatavari rejuvenates and increases vitality. It is especially very useful for treating hot flashes, excessive sweating, etc…
My wife is having all types of dihorea and loose motion for the past one month and tried all English medicines and siddha and still not under control. Whether she can use Haritaki powder to get cured.
Hi sir, I would suggest sweet flag roots | vasambu | Acorus Calamus roots for her, it will greatly help, you can read about it in the blog…
Hi mam, I have severe bloating and gas problems. My bowel movements' are very bad. It is making noises once after I eat. I work in a very quoit place. My stomach noises are very audible to everyone. It is really very embarrassing. Will haritaki powder helps me. Kindly advise how to get rid of this
Haritaki will help for flatulence but slowly increase the dosage of the haritaki powder so your body gets used to it. Also haritaki will greatly help in treating constipation too..
Hi Ramya,My elders about 55 yrs is having needle prickling sensation all over his body n tightness in his hip n leg muscle.Pls adv how can he take haritaki🙏
I would kindly suggest visiting an ayurvedic physician as he will find the root cause of the problems mentioned and then give the proper dosage accordingly…
Hai mam,my daughter is 12years old.she is having crohns disease(iinflammatory bowel disease).she is on medication.Ihave started giving her kadukkai podi powder.is it ok.my ddaughtet have lost 15kg. i want her to gain weight.
Hi Mam, I would suggest giving any herbs including haritaki for crohn's disease only after consulting a health care professional…
Hi Mam, can a person with High BP take kadukkapodi daily.Will it have any effect on the blood preassure.
You can take haritaki, it helps lowering the blood pressure….
Hi Madam, how do we take the powder? Do we boil it and drink or just mix with cold water and drink? Please advice
You can take haritaki powder mixed with honey or with warm water. Pour lukewarm water over the haritaki powder, mix well and drink…
Hi Madam, I am still not sure. do we eat the inside fruit of kadukkai or the outer shell after making it into powder form. can you please give me the correct info. TQ
The inside seed of kadukkai is removed and the remaining shell is powdered and used for medicinal purposes…
Hi Mam,Kadukkai good for heart health?
Yes, kadukkai is very good for heart health..
Madam, Where can i get kadukkai podi in chennai, i am from Mumbai
You can get kadukkai podi in country medical stores (naatu marunthu kadai). You can also easily order kadukkai powder online here: amazon.in
Vanakam madam , i want to know how to cleanse the haritaki before use.(appadi suthi seivathu athavathu dhosam illamel seivathu) first we must remove the dhosa than only we can consume the product after cleanse it . Because that is siddhas vakku. Pls tell me . Thank you madam
Vanakam Mam, I have always used haritaki as it is and have never followed any cleansing procedure so I don't know about it…
Hi, my father having diarrhoea on next day when he consume kadukkai podi at night before got to bed..the main purpose he took that podi is to increase the oxygen level in blood. Besides that his lungs covered with phlegm all the time.will this help him out?
Kadukkai can be used for removing phlegm too. I would suggest decreasing the dosage of kadukkai powder to prevent diarrhea and increase it to the desired dosage overtime so the body gets used to it…
MAM my friend told me that he takes kadukai powder every night , After consuming alcohol so no toxins rest in his body is it true / safe ?
Though Kadukkai is a very good blood purifier, it has got astringent properties and I would suggest not consuming it after alcohol…
Hi all plz suggest am having the acidity problem can I take the kadukai power daily basis after dinner. And how to take this power in hot water r normal water..
You can take haritaki for acidity problem. Take haritaki powder along with warm water, you can add rock candy to sweeten it too…
You can take haritaki for acidity problem. Take haritaki powder along with warm water, you can add rock candy to sweeten it too…
Hi Mam, my friend was telling he takes kadukai podi every night after consuming alcohol to de toxing is it true / safe ?
Hi, can it be taken by a dialysis patient?
Though haritaki is beneficial for kidney diseases I would suggest taking it only after consulting an ayurvedic physician…
Dear madam last month I took blood test h pylori positive already I took the medicine but Iam not well so I ll take the haritaki is good for that bacteria infection Iam waiting for your answer
Hi Sir, I am sorry for the late reply. Haritaki has been proven to beneficial in treating all bacterial infections, you can read the study that proves it here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11463533?dopt=Abstract. I would suggest you take haritaki powder, it will work well…
Hello Madam,I started using Haritaki powder (i grated the nut) < 1/4th spoon with Honey for my daughter (3 yr old) for Cough with Phlegm (flum) for 3 days. When ever i use she is feeling much better for 3 weeks. Again slowly it starts the cough with phlegm and running nose. I am much worried about the dosage. I really appreciate your help if you can educate me with the right dosage (for kids and adults).Thanks,Sushma
Dear Sushma, Though haritaki is a wonderful herb, young children should only consume it under medical supervision as they will guide you better with the precise dosage depending on her body type. I would also suggest you try the krishna tulsi syrup from the blog for her, it is very effective for cold and cough…
Hello Ramya Venkateshwaran Ma'am, I've been following your blog….you are doing wonderful service. I have read about the health benefits of Haritaki powder and Tripala churna. I am 37 year old female having sinus, dust allergy, mucus blocks my throat while speaking, severe hair fall almost bald on top, slightly obese also. I would like to know which one is best suited for me (Haritaki or Tripala or both). If both when and how many times to consume? Is there anything else do I need to take along?! kindly suggest.
I would suggest triphala as it contains haritaki too, it will greatly help improve immunity. I would also suggest consulting an ayurvedic practitioner as he will be able to guide you precisely on the dosage depending on your body…
Hi Ramya,I am regularly taking one ayurvedic tablet for constipation at night time with warm milk, this tablet contains haritaki, indravaruni and shuddha gandhak choorna etc..Is there any long term side effects of taking this daily.. Please advice..
I am very sorry, I am not familiar with this combination of herbs…
hello a am an endurance athlete facing lung problem due to high intensity training i am having shortness of breath and inflammation in mu lings due to heavy training as a result it has become difficult to breathe fully moreover there is a slight pain when i am able to breathe fully please provide me with an ayurvedic solution otherwise doctors advised to take inhaler please help me mam i will we very thankfulalso mam if there are ayurvedic medicines to improve my performance please tell as i can use it to improve my performance.thanks mam
Hi Udbhav, I am very sorry for the late reply. Though I don't know any remedy for sports induced asthma, we do use a remedy for asthma. I would suggest you give it a try. I am not sure how well it will help in your performance but it will greatly help in reducing the inflammation. Here is the remedy: Take equal quantities of licorice root, long pepper and bibhitaki (after removing the seed) and powder it as finely as you can. Now take about 2 tsps of the powder and boil it along with 500 ml of water till it reduces to about 300 ml. Drink about 100 ml of this decoction 2 times (morning and evening)for 3 to 5 days. Please let me know how you feel after using this remedy and don't use it continuously for more than a week….
Dears can any body know price of kadukai in chennai
Rs 20 for 50gms in country herb shop
Hi Madam, May I know what it is called in Telugu, Kdakkai,pl let me know.tq
Hariak is called karakkaya in Telugu…
Hi Is kadukkai useful for sexual life?
Taking kadukkai in a proper dose for short periods of time helps…
Hi Ramya…will kadukkai bring down/control high bp…if not,what is the alternative plz.Because of it,had a minor stroke,leading to double vision/diplopia…plz suggest
Hi sir, Haritaki has been proven through research to have blood pressure lowering ability but I would suggest consulting a doctor for determining the correct dosage for you…
Hi Ramya..I'm diagonised with pemphigus vulgaris…do u know of any remedy in ayurveda for this
Hi, I am sorry I don't know any remedy for it. I would suggest consulting an ayurvedic physician he will be able to guide you better…
Thanks very much Ramya…would be grateful if you could suggest some remedy/herb to bring down,high bp…would be grateful plz.
Hi sir, I would suggest taking either haritaki or triphala powder daily as they help reduce blood pressure and they also have very very few side effects…
What about cholesterol
Haritaki | kadukkai also reduces cholesterol levels, you can read the study that proves it here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25625850
Can take haritaki together with seedsMadam?
Please don't use the haritaki seeds, use the outer shell alone…
Hi,I have a throat condition for the last 40 yrs. where I have to constantly keep clearing my throat, since I feel that there is some phlegm that is constantly forming in my throat that I am unable to swallow and have to try in vain to clear. The sensation of difficulty in swallowing saliva is also a constant irritant. I also catch a cold easily and when this happens a blood test reveals a high eosinophile count.I have tried allopathy and homeopathy but nothing worked.Finally, my doctor prescribed "ebasil 10mg", and "singulair 10 mg" one pill morning and the other before bedtime. This improves the "easily-catching-cold" problem, but the throat clearing problem persists. The doctor probihits continuous use.Can you suggest some ayurvedic or home remedyKrishnan, Chennai
Hello sir, I would suggest thirikadugam mixture from the blog, you can read about it here
hello madam ,am trying to get pregnant .. am suffering from PCOS . can i take kadukai
You can take haritaki for treating PCOS. In fact triphala in which haritaki is an ingredient is very effective for treating PCOS. I would suggest considering taking triphala for treating PCOS…
Hi Ramya mam I am prathosh from Chennai .been suffering from constipation since childhood on and off .I am aged 30 yrs now .seems its intensity of constipation increased few months .it's very hard .straining manual evacuation .daily spending lot of time in this .gas .bloating if waste not cleared .I eat normal simple veg food only .does haritaki will help me in curing this constipation permanently and restore normal health in a month .pls share your inputs.also bec of constipation .frequent indigestion happening .whatever simple I eat also digests slowly or stomach is full .
Hello Remyaji, i'm using kadukka, My doubt is it reduce the sexual performance or sexual attraction or any problem with sex while using kadukka?
Hi, Please watch this video, it clearly explains the effects of haritaki on sexual health: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdhM8FJdsOI
Dear Ramya Madam,I have a problem like the Uric acid level in my blood sudden goes up and because of that i am getting sever pain in my toe joints. When consulted with the doctor, he says its a kind of "Gout". Will Kadukkai helps me to resolve my issue. Please advise.
Kadukkai will bring down the uric acid levels if consumed, follow the dosage given in the packet. Some of the other herbs that brings down uric levels are guggul and giloy..
Hi Ramya,I have a 7 yrs old daughter with poor bowel movements. Can I give her the kadugai powder to improve? What will be the dosage?Pls advise. Thanks
It is best to give haritaki only under medical supervision for children. I would also kindly suggest first trying our regular foods before giving herbs as she is still very young. A bowl of papaya or a red banana before going to bed will greatly help. If she refuses to eat them, you can also try ragi porridge, in my experience if we give children foods that are high in fiber (most of our traditional foods) they will easily get over the problem….
MDM I am 65 yrs old.I have high blood pressure for sometime now. I am avoiding Western medicine.Can you please recommend me some herb remedy
Hi, Sir Sarpagandha is usually recommended for reducing blood pressure and I would suggest consulting an ayurvedic physician for the correct dosage…
Madam my sister is little dark . Can this kadukkai be used for improving complexion
Kadukkai will help improve the complexion…
Will kadukkai helps to decrease the uric acid level in blood. Pleas suggest.
Kadukkai does decrease the uric acid level in blood..
Hello Madam,I have two questions to ask – 1) My father(58 y.o.) is taking haritaki powder since few days for constipation. He is also suffering from high BP as well as diabetes. So is it safe for him to intake haritaki daily, if not then for how many days he should consume. 2) I am 28 y.o., also taking haritaki powder since few days as it purifies blood. Can I take it regularly or will I get dependent on it and will have problem with motions later on. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks a lot!
1. Haritaki is safe to be consumed by your father and will have a positive impact on his blood sugar levels and it will reduce blood pressure too. But since he is already on medications it will lower the blood sugar levels way too much so haritaki should only be strictly taken under medical supervision. 2. If you are not diabetic or have blood pressure or very thin then you can consume haritaki for longer duration's of time. But please don't overdose on haritaki and gradually increase the dosage overtime….
Thanks a lot madam
Hi mam i got to know of my arthritis a week ago …rheumatoid arthritis.will kaduka podi can help me in any way.
Hi mam I got know of rheumatoid arthritis a week ago .will kaduka podi can help me in any way?
Kadukkai powder will help but I would suggest taking triphala (which consist of kadukkai, thandrikai and nellikai) instead of kadukkai powder alone as it is more effective. You can also read a study that proves it here: research
Hi, kadukkai will greatly help in arthritis, you can read the research that proves it here: research
Kadukkai podi will greatly help with arthritis, it will reduce the inflammation and also will prevent arthritis getting worse…
Is kadukkai power good to treat Piles (internal). If yes, please explain how to take it and how often to take it
Kadukkai is very good for treating piles and is a very safe herb. It can be taken daily night before going to bed mixed in warm water. Usually 5 grams is the daily dosage but I would suggest slowly increasing the dosage over time so the body adjust to it…
Kadukkai treats constipation very well and can be taken in powder form along with water before going to bed. You can also try a sitz bath with alum or haritaki boiled water to ease the inflammation. I would suggest taking 1/4 tsp of haritaki powder everyday night for a few days till you get relief. You can increase the dosage slowly…
hello ramya madam,i m g.n.parekh 56,suffering from eridicyclisis that is infllamation in eye at time of season change.i have to go for optho.treatment of steroid at the time. i have started taking haritaki for last four years. is there any ayurvedic drug ishould take?
hello Ramaya , i am a diabetic and i am facing from penis yeast infection.is this medicine will b helpfull????please suggest as it is going verry tough
hello ramya madam,i m g.n.parekh 56, suffering from eridocyclicis that is infllamation in eye at the time of season change.at the time ihave to go for treatment of steroid. i have started taking haritaki for last four years. what is your opinion. should i take any ayurvedic drug.
Hello madam ramya, I m G.N.Parekh, suffering from eridocyclics that is inflamation in eye at the time of season change. I have started taking harde since the last four years. Is there any other ayurvedic drug should I take?
Hello madam ramya, I m G.N.Parekh, suffering from eridocyclics that is inflamation in eye at the time of season change. I have started taking harde since the last four years. Is there any other drugs / dravya I should take?
Hi sir, I am so very sorry for the late reply. Due to personal reasons I couldn't reply any questions in the blog sooner. Along with taking haritaki internally why not try an eyewash made by boiling either kadukkai alone or triphala (haritaki, bibhitaki and amalaki)along with water and straining it using a cheese cloth before using it. The wash will treat the inflammation well…
Hi madam How to use kadukkai for acne problem
Hi madam How to use kadukai for acne
Kadukkai can be used for treating acne as it has wonderful anti inflammatory properties, mix the haritaki powder in water and apply as a face pack…
Hi Ramya,I am suffering from foreskin pinile infection since a month with white cheesy coating under the foreskin every day with inflemation and redness.So can I use harithaki powder to cure this problem. Please suggest me.Thanks, Raghu USA
Hi Ramya,Can I use Harithaki powder for pinile foreskin infection? I am suffering from foreskin infection from a month with cheesy white coated stuff every morning when I go for both with swollen foreskin with redness. Please suggest me. Thanks, Raghu, USA
Can Haritaki be taken mixed with honey and folded in a betel leaf after lunch and dinner and will it help clear heart blocks
Yes haritaki can be had like the way you mentioned but please don't overdose on haritaki…
HelloI want to buy Kaddukai podi but Amazon can´t ship it to me in Sweden. I did not find it here in the healt shops either. Can you buy it somewhere else??Greatful for your reply:)/Aisha
You can ship it to sweden when you order from amazon.uk its available, I ordered mine and got it yesterday.
Hello againnever mind my previous comment. I found a internet shop here in Sweden where i can buy it.LOVE AND LIGHT 🙂
Hi Aisha, I am glad you found haritaki in Sweden…:)
hello ramya madam, i m g.n.parekh,56,suffering from eridocyclisis that is inflamation in eye due to season change. at that time I have to go for steroid alopethic treatment.I have started taking haritaki since last for years.will you suggest me any ayurvedic drug or it is ok?
Hello Ramya Can I use kadukkai powder with Luke warm water before bedtime for pinile foreskin infection (Balanitis). Please suggest I am having foreskin inflammation under foreskin white cheesy coating happen every morning. Thanks, Raghu
Hi sir, I am very very sorry for the late reply. You can take kadukkai as it has anti inflammatory properties. You can also try an external application of few drops of tea tree essential oil mixed with coconut oil…
Can this be given to children on a regular basis? Because it has a mixed effects in sexual life. Also I heard old people in our home says it should not be given to boys as it reduces the sexual feel. Is it true?
Haritaki should only be given to children under medical supervision…
MadamI have problem of anxiety, ejaculation and erection problem
I would suggest ashwagandha…
I have been operated for piles before 2 month due to cpnstipation . After 2 month of operation my problem of constipation started again. I want to remove my constipation problem from ROOT.SO kindly guide me how much dosage of HARDE should I take daily and how how long time to remove constipation from root.
YOU CAN TRY 5-10 grams of powder with honey in the nights
Nameshkar Ramya Madam, I'm from Kuala Lumpur & started of taking kadukai powder. But I'm a insulin dependent diabetic patient. Will the efficiency of insulin which is taken will be reduced or by taking kadukai powder, my blood sugar will tend to decrease from time to time. Please advise. Thanking you in advance.
Nameshkar Ramya Madam, I'm from Kuala Lumpur & started of taking kadukai powder. But I'm a insulin dependent diabetic patient. Will the efficiency of insulin which is taken will be reduced or by taking kadukai powder, my blood sugar will tend to decrease from time to time. Please advise. Thanking you in advance.
Namashkar Sir, kadukkai reduces the blood sugar levels very effectively so if you take both insulin and kaudkkai together the blood sugar level may drop really low. I would suggest increasing the dosage of kadukkai gradually and also monitoring your blood sugar levels very closely so to determine the daily correct dosage of both the diabetic medicine and kadukkai. You can also seek the help of an ayurvedic practitioner in your area to determine the correct dosage too…
Hi ramyaI heard harad is also used for tighten vagina post delivery. Is it true. If it is true explain how to use and if there is side effect pls explain also
Harad | haritaki | kadukkai is an astringent and like majakanni it is used in vaginal tightening creams along with other ingredients but I am not sure how effective it is when used separately. You can use the haritaki decoction as a vaginal wash for tightening and it does not have any side effects…
nice posts
Hello madam, I'm suffering from gastritis and loss of appetite..im taking allopathy medicine for it in the morning before food. Can I take kadukkai powder at night..?
Hello madam, I'm suffering from gastritis and loss of appetite..im taking allopathy medicine for it in the morning before food. Can I take kadukkai powder at night..?
Kadukkai will help in all stomach related problems but at home we follow a simple remedy using dry ginger and butter milk which treats gastritis and loss of appetite very effectively, You can find the link to the remedy here
hello mam, i hav the problem of piles since 3 months ago. can u tell me how to consume this to grt relief from piles?
You can consume haritaki powder before going to bed, start with 1/2 tsp of haritaki powder and then slowly increase it to 1 tsp…
MadamIs it good for piles patients ?
Haritaki is good for patients suffering from piles…
Dear doctor mamMy naturepaty doctor has adviced me to take haritaki paste 1tsp two times. I have purchased online which is very expensive appox Rs.50 per piece. Makeing paste takes almost halfen hour for 1tsp. My question to you is there any difference in medicinal benefits between taking ready made power and hand made paste??ThanksOm Namah Shivay
Hi Sir, I am not a doctor :)(you can read about me in the about me section). In my personal experience, I didn't find any difference between haritaki powder bought from reputed brands and from one made at home. Rs 50 per a piece of haritaki is very very expensive. We can get very good haritaki powder and fruits in local herbs shops very cheaply…
Hi ramya can pregnant women eat kaddukai powder
Hi ramya can pregnant women eat kaddukai powder
Hi ramya can we have kaddukai in pregnancy
Hi ramya can pregnant women eat kaddukai powder
Please stop taking kadukkai during your pregnancy and if at all you should take it please do so only under medical supervision for the correct dosage. In fact I would kindly suggest to be cautious of taking any herb without knowing whether it is 100% safe during pregnancy..
Don't have kadukkai during pregnancy…
Hi Ramaya Can kaduka I powder help for shingles PHN
Kadukkai has anti viral properties so it might help with shingles…
I am taking liver medicine can I take this powder for ulcer and how many times and when I can take the powder
Haritaki does not interfere with liver medications but still to be on the safer side I would suggest mentioning it to your physician before taking it for ulcer…
I want to increase my weight, what can I do, please suggestion me,
Try taking calorie dense but healthy foods like whole milk, ghee, eggs etc. Also the herb ashwagandha might help, you can read about ashwagandha in the blog…
Hello ramya madam,i m g. N. Parekh I m suffering from iridocyclitis that is inflammation in eye at the time of season change.l have to go for steroid opthalmic treatment. I have started taking Harare churana since last four years. I would to like to know about another Ayurved dravya.thanks. Triphla is suitable to me as it is having acidic/ khatta nature containing ambla.thanks.
Hello Sir, I am very sorry for the late reply. Triphala guggulu will help but I would suggest consulting an ayurvedic physician for the correct dosage…
you can take 3-5 grs of Triphla and boil it in drinking water , Cool it , filter it using fine cloth use this water for washing eyes 2 -3 time a day
Dear madam,My creatinine level is around 2.0.i am taking kadukai powder at night after dinner.will it helpto reduce creatinine level to normal.how long will it take?
I would suggest the herb punarnava as it lowers creatinine levels but I would kindly suggest taking it under medical supervision to determine the correct dosage…
hey i have stored body fat how can use kadukkai in daily basis.
You can take haritaki or better still triphala in which haritaki is one of the ingredients to lower the body fat levels. I would also suggest a good diet and regular exercise to see results. Also it will be best to consult an ayurvedic physician for the correct dosage depending on your body type…
Hi is it safe to give this powder to kids daily r do we need to stop after specific periof
It is safe for children in the correct dosage. But it is best to give haritaki for children especially for longer duration's only under medical supervision to determine the correct dosage and duration it has to be taken…
Good evening mmeI have been suffering from urticaria dor about 15 yrs. Skin rashes and itching will be there. Used all types allergic medicines but no use. Now I have been using avatar or getraind when ever I get itching. It works for 1 or 2 days.Could you please suggest me how can I use this Baitaki for my chronic allergy.Thank you.Chandrahas M
Hi Sir, instead of haritaki alone for treating uritacari, try triphala which is a mixture of 3 herbs in which haritaki is also one of the ingredients. Usually the daily suggest ed dosage is 1 to 2 tablets daily, it is usually well tolerated by everyone and greatly helps with all skin diseases. You can also consult an ayurvedic practitioner for the precise dosage….
Dear Mam,two month back i visited a ayurveda Dr. Kurias of Earth Ayurveda Hospital. That time my problem was weak immune with low hemoglobin and platelets supported by multiple motions in the morning.I was advice to drink banana THOR juice and HARITOKI paste (no powder, no tablets) two times FOR SIX MONTHSMy question to you, is paste more beneficial then ready made powder and tablets. Because making paste two times is time consuming.regadrs MILAN
Hi Sir, If the quality of the store bought haritaki powder is good, then you can use it too as there is only very slight difference between fresh and store bought haritaki powder. Though freshly made paste is always effective and better, for consuming for long duration's, I would suggest buying haritaki powder from a well reputed brand and using it…
I heard swamy nityanand saying this increases oxygen level by 300 percent so since yesterday I'm taking though I don't see any change. I'm on drugs and very weak. Should I take more than others as the drug would negate some effects of haritaki? How much should I take & can I take any which way I want? Thanks for the article and helping people. Though replying to so many people can be irritating and in many cases you may not be sure how it would effect. Thanks a lot in advance
Usually the daily suggested dosage for haritaki is 1/4 to 1/2 tsp per day (it is better to start with low dosage). But I would suggest taking triphala (a blend of haritaki, bibhitaki and amla) in which haritaki is one of the ingredient than taking haritaki alone as it improves immunity really well. Usually the daily suggested dosage for triphala is 1 to 2 tablets per day, I would suggest starting with 1 tablet a day and continue it regularly for a few weeks to see good results. You can also read about triphala in the blog……
Dangerous during mental depression? Why? Shouldnt it help?
Mental depression – Safe to take or not? For example after a marriage , when your sad and mourning. Or after someone's death. Could haritaki give more stability or make things worse?
Haritaki is not dangerous during mental depression or anxiety at all, in fact haritaki has been proven trough clinical research to help reduce anxiety, here is the study that proves it: study
Thank you for your answer. Im going through a 10 year relationship ending. Struggeling to be alone again. Met a new girl, but i'm suffering from anxiety towards that she also will leave me.. and that she truly doesent love me and is with me only because she has a difficult life and the fear to be alone.Taking Haritaki has an subtle effect. It changes my awareness but im still the same. Not sure exactly.Continue taking Harataki? Any other suggestions / thougts that could help me?
I am very sorry about the break up and I understand how you must be feeling right now. You can continue taking haritaki if you feel it helps you with the stress as it has low toxicity and can be taken for long duration's of time. But please don't overdose on haritaki….
Hi mam i want to quit alcohol.how kadukkai will help…?
Haritaki is a detoxifying herb but it is advised not to take haritaki while taking alcohol. Please consult an ayurvedic practitioner for the best way to take it….
Hello Mam I have yeast infection can this kadukkai help in getting rid of the infection and kindly let me know how to use
Yes, kadukkai will help. Make an infusion by boiling pounded kadukkai in water till the color changes to yellow and use it as a wash….
Hi Ramya,I take one teaspoonful of Triphala powder (which as you know contains Haritaki) with lukewarm water before going to bed.Is it more beneficial if I instead consume just Haritaki powder?
Triphala is better than taking haritaki alone for general well being as the three herbs in it is said to balance all the tri doshas if taken in the proper amount..
Thanks for taking out time to reply Ramya 🙂 I will continue with Triphala.
I am 74 years old and diabetic. I have constipation problem due to motility for the past 2 years. I have started taking kadukkai powder for the last 2 months. Initially I found the results very satisfactory, but of late I find it takes some times 3 days to move my bowels. I take one tablesspoon ful of powder with hot water at bed time.
hello madam, iam taking tablets for acne problem in my face. may i drink haritaki soaked water alternate days at night? will it cause any side effects while taking tablets? please reply me madam.
I tried searching for drug interactions while consuming haritaki | kadukkai but I couldn't find any….
கடுக்காய் உன்டால் ஆண்மை பாதிக்குமா ?
Kadukkai if taken in the proper dosage for short duration will not have any effects on sexual health. But if taken in large quantities for very long duration's may cause decrease in sexual strength…
I am using harad for last 2 years since last 2 years as my colitis was incurable by alopathy. Now even after taking it after gap of few days, i do not feel any problem, while 2 yrs earlier i suffered too much from 2010-2014, symptoms were, urging to go to toilet Again & again, irritating bowels, constipation on 10 out of 30 days, diorrhea in every couple of days.Now i want to know wheather i can give harad to my father? He is 79 yrs old, he is ckd-3 patient, cretinine varies-2.1-2.5, serum urea 90-103,Hb-9.4-10.4
Haritaki can be given but I would kindly suggest giving haritaki after consulting an ayurvedic doctor to determine the precise daily dosage…..
hello ramayaI am not suffering from constipationbut in morning I goes two three times toilet .so please tell suggestions that i goes only once toilet in morning
Hi Ramya,I have been taking medications for depression and anxiety problem for the past 5 years and i am looking for good solution from Ayurvedic medicines as an alternative. Could you please suggest me the right solutions and shall i take the kadukai powder with warm water before sleep.Thanks,
Hi I am 32 old male and I am having cracks on the foreskin of my penis. its very painful burning sensation while urinary or any movement. Its like infection and i used some medicine and ointment as doctor recommended. Please guide me how to get rid of it?
can i use kadukkai powder while i m in treatment for sperm count increase
mam i have acidity, often i get gastric problem like bloat and little pain in left lower abdomen and also suffer from constipation and piles. Since my age is 32 i am afraid of allopathy treatment. I am started using kadukkai legiyam… will it be good or not
hi madam kadukkai powder use in bath bath and body works ?
Hi Ramya,First of all hats off to you for creating an awareness on natural medicines. Keep it up.I have 2 questions.1. My 5 year old son has cough. Sometimes its dry and sometimes I feel he is having flum. Can kadukaai be given and if so for how long?Will Kadukaai improve vision (as I read in an article about that)?2. I also read kadukaai can be used for eczema. Can you please tell me the method?
Dear Ramya, I am 70 yrs. I had no traces of Diabetes so far. I have been consuming regularly a teaspoon of Harithaki churna from April 2016. Now two months back, doctors told me that I have Diabetes. Is it because of Haritaki churna. Pl clarify. Otherwise I have nbeen seing the benefits of consuming this churna regularly at night. Should I stop taking this churna?
I have issued with energy levels and Inflammation I'm always in pain and tired.
Will.It help for trigiminal neuralgia
Dear mam any problem in Sexual life to having kadukkai
Is this help in becoming grey hair black my grandmother told me this. Is it ? An how????
My grandmother told me it helps in becoming grey hair black…how it is possible?????
HiYou had mentioned above that since Haritaki has "hot" properties, in a hot country where it is likely to generate more heat in the body, one should combine it with something cooling to counter it. Could you be more specific? What should one take? I believe you had mentioned "jaggery" somewhere but how and when should it b consumed? Is there anything else one should take also – either alone or in combination with jaggery?
Dear madam,I am Yaseer from srilanka.Madam last ten months I am suffering from protein lossing with urine. So could pls advice to me madam kaddukai will help itThanksYaseer
Hello Mam its good to see your blog related to haritaki I would like to know does this improve memory problem,I could not remember thing's easily,I visited doctor and use do you know any natural medicine which can help me getting memory power back,thank you
Hello Ramya MadamI read the article and very surprised about the benefits. I have a peculiar problem of hearing loud, especially the vehicle sound, really unbearable. So I am using ear caps to filter the sound. Even Doctors not able to diagnose as it is very rare.Will kadukkai powder help ?Pl reply.Thankyou in advance
M having piles/ fissures with excessive blodd and huge pain. All started from constipation since the birth of my child( also breastfeed) Now constipation is ok but have severe piles and as stool passes , bleeding also get start.
Hi Ramya Good DayThank You so much for responding all the queries.Again 1 more my side.I live in USA,I studied the benefits of Kadukai powder in many website. But I worried about the disadvantages too.Iam 30 years old, Please let me know for how many days we can consume kadukkai powder?Daily 5 gm is advisable dosage ?
Hi Ramya Good DayThank You so much for responding all the queries.Again 1 more my side.I live in USA,I studied the benefits of Kadukai powder in many website. But I worried about the disadvantages too.Iam 30 years old, Please let me know for how many days we can consume kadukkai powder?Daily 5 gm is advisable dosage ?
Hello mam My mouth was always bad smell problem.Daily 2 times brushed.but bad smell problem.my stomach was good condition no ulcer.Please tips for always fresh condition
Hi ramyaAm taking kadukkai powder daily before going bed.I want to know it will reduce my tummy.pl suggests how to in take kadukkai
can i take in summer season
Hii mam …I have a constipation problem right from childhood ..is kadukaai really cures it ? And if so …how much should i consume with water everyday?
வணக்கம் டாக்டர் நான் இலங்கை இருந்து யசீர் எனது வயது 31 என்னக்கு ஒரு வருடகாலமா இரண்டு மணித்தியாலத்துக்கு ஒரு முறை சிறுநீர் கழிக்க தேவை எட்டப்படுகிறது, அதுபோக என் உடல் இடையும் குறைந்து இருக்கிறது 8Kg இனால். அதுபோக Kindey Stone இருக்கிறது ஆனால் Sugar லெவல் நோர்மல் Dr இதக்கு ஒரு வலி நிவாரணம் தரவும் Dr
Hi Ramya , Can I take pinch of kadukai powder along with water every night for weight loss….. I am breast feeding my two months baby….will this affect my milk production ..I am confused please help
Madam,How good Kadukkai for eye sight. Pl replyRegards,Srinivasan
Hi,Consuming haritaki on a daily basis will give excessive sexual problem. Is that true. Please clarify
Hi My Dad is 74 years. He is suffering with Constipation and irritation in the Anal area; especially after the bowel movement. He is always got a kind of sensation of motion even after having free bowel movement (free motion). He has been suffering with this for the past 3 years.He had undergone a by-pass surgery 4 years back and he’s under medication for his heart problem. However, for the past 4 years, he is been under complete control/monitoring and has never complained any problem w.r.t heart. He is quite healthy except the bleeding/no free bowel movement (with irritation). He underwent a colonoscopy very recently (2 days back and another was 2 years back) and the Dr's mentioned that hes got piles problem (stage 2/3); he’s not required to be operated for it immediately as the reports does not show very abnormal or critical. However, for a longer run, the Dr’s are suggesting him that he may undergo piles surgery. We are worried about the complications aftermath the surgery because of his age and the problems related to his heart. More so, he has been advised to avoid constipation to ensure free bowel movement. He has been consuming Duphalac syrup(5ml) and Cremafin syrup(5ml) as suggested by the Dr’s along with his routine medicines for his heart. It is not yielding good results for his irritation or a kind of sensation of motion always.• Is consuming Kadukkai powder (which is available in Nattu Marundhu Kadai) be a remedy for his ailment? • If yes, what combination to be used for consuming and how long should it be used? • Can this be consumed by a by-pass surgery patient? • Will this be a remedy for a person who is always suffering with kind of a sensation of motion always?Kindly suggest.
Hi My Dad is 74 years. He is suffering with Constipation and irritation in the Anal area; especially after the bowel movement. He is always got a kind of sensation of motion even after having free bowel movement (free motion). He has been suffering with this for the past 3 years.He had undergone a by-pass surgery 4 years back and he’s under medication for his heart problem. However, for the past 4 years, he is been under complete control/monitoring and has never complained any problem w.r.t heart. He is quite healthy except the bleeding/no free bowel movement (with irritation). He underwent a colonoscopy very recently (2 days back and another was 2 years back) and the Dr's mentioned that hes got piles problem (stage 2/3); he’s not required to be operated for it immediately as the reports does not show very abnormal or critical. However, for a longer run, the Dr’s are suggesting him that he may undergo piles surgery. We are worried about the complications aftermath the surgery because of his age and the problems related to his heart. More so, he has been advised to avoid constipation to ensure free bowel movement. He has been consuming Duphalac syrup(5ml) and Cremafin syrup(5ml) as suggested by the Dr’s along with his routine medicines for his heart. It is not yielding good results for his irritation or a kind of sensation of motion always.• Is consuming Kadukkai powder (which is available in Nattu Marundhu Kadai) be a remedy for his ailment? • If yes, what combination to be used for consuming and how long should it be used? • Can this be consumed by a by-pass surgery patient? • Will this be a remedy for a person who is always suffering with kind of a sensation of motion always?Kindly suggest.
How does kaduka works in face or body swelling?
..I took triphala fr 6 weeks with the seasonal things..I felt my body ws heating….hw much harad should I take n hw n when
Hello mamI am facing inflammation in stomach from last 2 years.Tried every medicine but didn't work.I also did endoscopy.there were a superficial eroisons in deodenum.Icannot even sleep properly due to heat in my stomach.& Also unable to concentrate on my work.Plz advice me the dosage of harde
Hello mamI have problem of acidity from last 2 yrs, digestive problems & constipation.There is excess burning in my stomach I cannot sleep & concentrate on my work. Plz suggest me useful dosage.
Hi ma'am I'm 24 and lately I've been suffering from acidity and gastric trouble.at times I feel the burning sensation in my stomach also I feel dull and tried. Can you please suggest me if I can take kaddukai. I also tried taking tablets for the acidity and it fine for some time but again I get this trouble. Please advice.Thanks,Paramasivan
Hello mam.last year I took haritaki churna and I got rid from my constipation problem but suddenly one day after taking haritaki I don't know what happened since then I am again suffering from constipation.What shpuld I do.Should I again try haritaki once again?
mam, good morning, my 2years old son is suffering from severe constipation.. can i give kadukkai powder.. and he is not listening what i am saying.. plz suggest remedies mam
Hi Ms. RamyaI find your service to be interesting, useful and and highly sensible too. Please suggest a good medicine for people with diabetic retinopathy. Is there a permanent cure available for diabetic retinopathy….Pl helop as it would be of great assistance to many diabetic patientsYogi.
Am having daily one teespun with warm water before going to bad..Is this correct way to having….
is haritaki good for women
How does regular consumption of kadukkai impact diabetics? You have asked to exercise caution. Why?
There are two patients here at home- one 60 years old female is having diabetes and constipation; and the other 74 years old male is having hypertension.(Both are now taking allopathic medicines with partial control). Can they take KADUKKAI or THIRIBALA for their conditions? What should be the dosage and what are the precautions to be taken?
I have just begun to use Haritaki. I bought it in tablet form, 500 milligrams. Is it as effective as powder or capsules?
Hi madam if I take kadukaai powder once in a week for my weight loss…How many days is required to loss my weight…Will it will be effective
Hi if taking haritaki powder at night can we take iron supplement in the morning?
can harithaki powder drink with milk
Hello Ramya ma'mThanQ for ur invaluable humanitarian service. I heard haritaki improves vision. My eyes droop while I read. Do u suggest any spl treatment using haritaki
Where I can find an orgarnic Haritaki in US?
Is it good for heel pain?
Thank you!
Hi haritaki cure the hydrocele problems please tel me .how can I use it tel me
Hello MadamMy sister had a stroke about a year ago. Is there anything she can take to help in her recovery?
Hello Mrs. Ramya,I came thro. my google search for anti-inflammatory herbs and I landed on ur site page about- kadukkai. Very nice article indeed. I read about ur blog purpose and all ur efforts are much appreciated. I am also v.interested in herbs and tried to grow a few in my balcony garden. 2 years back I was diagnosed with Pituitary inflammation problem and prescribed with steroid medicines. I dont want to continue that for a long time fearing over its side effects. How effective will it be if I use kadukkai..? Can u please suggest any other herbs for the same…? I stay in London at present temporarily… so I wont get fresh ones.. the dried ones are preferable. I already tried cutting few things like rice, milk and all other ready foods with preservatives and can see the fruitful results. happy to get any kind of small help or suggestions and will be much greatful to u. Thanks a lot in advance. All the best of luck for all ur future efforts. Cheers, Bhuvana Vijay,London.
hi Mam, is there any real solution for White Hairs in siddha medicine
is there any side effects if i take aloe vera gujju (Juice) 30 ml, Karakkaya (haritaki)powder 3 pinchesTippa teega (guduchi powder) powder 3 pinches, patika bellam (Rocking sugar) 1 spoon,Termeric 3 pinches,Zeera powder 3 pinches for long term.
Mam can it be chewed directly i was suffering from sinusitis and throat infections
All above information is too good with explanation. But can I used haritakichurna of Patanjali Product for constipation? Please help me. Thank you.
Hi RamyaI have psoriasis. I have been taking ayurvedic treatment. The scales are in my both knees. Please suggest an natural ingredient that can help or control it. The itches are unbearable.
Hello Madam, My wife is pregnant for 10 weeks she takes iron and calcium tab, she is having problem of constipation and gas, can she use chhoti Harad after meal. Pls advice thanks
Dear Dr.Ramya Madam excellent information on Haritaki / Kadukkai Lots of thanks n regards
Dear Ramya madam , I have a doubt please clear me
Some ayurbedic doctors sugested to take 5 gr8 in morn8ng to reduce body wt.is it correct. Pl suggest it works on bodyweight loss. Or we can mix karakkai powder with any other powders. Pl reply. My mail I'd 1954jcs@gmail.com
Namaskaram Ramya,How to grow a karakkai plant?
Hi. I took 2 teaspoons of the haritaki powder and about 15 minutes after drinking it I threw up. Does this happen to other people often? Could I have possibly taken too much? Or is this just sometimes a side effect?thanks so much
In my opinion you have over dosed on haritaki powder as usually the suggested dosage is 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. Also it is very important to slowly increase the dosage of any herb so our body gets used to it….
Ms.Ramya since 15 years I have severe gas problem and I stopped eating spice food and hard food and I am vegeterian too . Took all sorts of medicine but nothing worked out. Please tell me if kadukkai powder will help in getting rid of my problem.
Kadukkai powder will greatly help with all stomach related problems, start with a small dosage and increase it slowly…
Hello, I have started to take a pinch of this powder in half a liter of water in empty stomach in the morning. Is there any side effect to taking this on an empty stomach?
Haritaki can be taken on empty stomach without any side effects but don't over consume it
Hello mam,My mom is having insomnia problem. She is not at all sleeping please suggest any good medicine. she tried kasakasa too.ThanksEla
Hello mam,My mom is having insomnia problem. She is not at all sleeping please suggest any good medicine. she tried kasakasa too.ThanksEla
Chamomile tea and cinnamon milk will both help with insomnia. I have written briefly about them in the blog, please check it out. I especially would suggest chamomile tea…
Can kadukkai podi be used by boys or men for acne.
Kadukkai is great for treating acne, apply it as a face pack with little rose water or rice water…
Hi Madam, while consume kadukkai podi, we need to follow any diet ? like avoid non-veg or something else ?
Usually kadukkai is an astringent and hot in nature so it is advised to consume enough water while taking it…
Where we buy this in bengaluru
We get kadukkai podi in almost all the departmental stores and herb shops, just ask for it in departmental stores. If you dn't find it you can order it online too…
Hi RamyaI have a travelling job and may not be able to prepare harad powder daily. Is it okay to consume Harad powder in Capsule form ? what should be the dosage? for constipation?THank you
You can take haritaki capsules, usually the suggested dosage is two tablets per day. But I would suggest starting with 1 a day and once your body gets used to it, you can slowly increase the dosage over time…
I have been dealing with severe constipation for almost 2 months. Have gotten the endoscopy and colonoscopy done, which fortunately came out clear. Now looks like my gut is slow. I have been on Senna and Polyethylene glycol 3350 (PEG 3350). 2 nights ago I started taking hawabaan harde and Tripahala tat night and although I had some relief with the bowels, and I was able to eat better, I have been having palpitations and the apatite seems to be going down again. Am I overdoing it? Anything I should be aware of to get the best results?
I would suggest not consume both triphala and haritaki together as triphala also contains haritaki in which case you will be overdosing. I would suggest using either one and also to slowly increase the dosage over time to prevent any side effects….
Dear Madam,I have pancreatic problem, is it safe to intake kadukkai legiyam.
As far as I know you will only benefit taking kadukkai but I am not sure about kadukkai lehyam as many other ingredients also must have been added to it. I would kindly suggest consulting an ayurvedic physician before taking kadukkai lehyam on a regular basis.
Hi Ramya, thanks for the wonderful blog and appreciate your efforts in answering all questions. I have two small question. 1. Is it ok to continuously have kadukkai powder ( 1 year or more) or we should have only for couple of months? 2. There are many varieties of kadukai shell available( small/big size, different colors etc.), which one should we buy?
Hi Ramya, thanks for the wonderful blog and appreciate your efforts in answering all questions. I have two small question. 1. Is it ok to continuously have kadukkai powder ( 1 year or more) or we should have only for couple of months? 2. There are many varieties of kadukai shell available( small/big size, different colors etc.), which one should we buy?
Kadukkai powder can be consumed safely for long duration's of time as it has very low toxicity. It can be safely consumed except during pregnancy and breast feeding. Buy the large variety of kadukkai for best results…
Hello Ramya , i am a diabetic and i am facing from penis yeast infection.is this medicine will b helpfull?please suggest as it is going very tough. Thank You
hi ramya ,we have lots of quantity of terminali chebula also name as triphala in our rural segments, if you have any kind of such huge market or requirements then plz let me know .
Hi Ramya, I have diabetic for the past 10 yrs. I had mild stroke one year ago. I have constipation problem. Can I consume Kadukai powder ? I am taking modern medicine now.
You can consume kadukkai but kadukkai will lower blood sugar levels so monitor your blood sugar levels closely and adjust the diabetic medication accordingly…..
Can I apply it on face to become white?