8 Serious Side Effects Of Turmeric We Should Know !

Turmeric Side Effects

Turmeric is one of the top most spices used in India. There is not a day that I have not used turmeric, we use it extensively in cooking, remedies and also for skin care. Now turmeric is one of the most popular ingredients used all around the world medicinally.

Like with any ingredient, it is best to get to know both the benefits and side effects of turmeric. Using turmeric in small quantities like in curries will not have any side effects but if you are planning to take it in large doses daily for medicinal purposes then you should get to know the side effects too.

Turmeric Common Names:

The botanical name of turmeric is Curcuma Longa, it belongs to the family Zingiberaceae. Turmeric is called Manjal in Tamil, Haldi in Hindi, Halad in Marathi, Pasupu in Telugu, Arisina in Kannada, Haridra in Sanskrit, Haluda in Bengali and Haladar in Punjabi.

Turmeric Chemical Constituents:

Lot of chemical constituents have been isolated from turmeric primarily phenolic compounds and terpenoids which includes diarylheptanoid ( including the most commonly occurring curcuminoids), diarylpentanoids, diterpenes, sterols, alkaloids, monoterpenes and triterpenoids.

Turmeric Toxicity:

Since turmeric has a long usage, it has been proven through hundreds of years of usage that it is very safe to be used as a spice in cooking but now lots of research has been done to prove that even turmeric supplements have very low toxicity. Healthy volunteers were given doses ranging from 500 mg to almost 12000 mg! Out of the 74 participants, only 7 people experienced mild side effects and you can read the study here. 

Turmeric Drug Interactions:

Turmeric slows blood clotting so it might interact with anti coagulant medicines like aspirin, clopidogrel, etc. It can also lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels so practice caution if you are on blood pressure or diabetic medications.

Turmeric General Recommended Dosage:

The general recommended dose for turmeric powder is 1/4 to 1/2 tsp per day. If you are using turmeric tincture, the general recommended dosage is around 15 to 25 drops 3 to 4 times per day. If you are taking turmeric capsules, 500 mg is the general suggested dosage.

If you are taking turmeric tea, take 1 cup a day. Although turmeric has low toxicity, please remember that taking high doses in the form of turmeric supplements for long duration’s of time should be done with caution. This is especially important if you are on any medications…..

curcumin side effects8 Serious Side Effects Of Turmeric We Should Know!

1. Can Cause Stomach Issues:

Turmeric if consumed in large doses might causes stomach related problems for some people. Some people might experience nausea, diarrhea or heartburn. If you are suffering from acidity or GERD, try not to take large doses of turmeric in empty stomach as it might aggravate these problems. I would suggest starting with low dosage and then increasing it overtime to help the body adjust to the dosage of turmeric.

2. Lower Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar Levels:

Turmeric has blood pressure and blood sugar lowering properties so if you are on blood pressure or blood sugar lowering medications, taking large doses of turmeric can lower both blood pressure and blood sugar levels significantly so please practice caution. I would suggest monitoring your blood pressure and blood sugar levels closely if you decide to take turmeric supplement on a daily basis.

3. Turmeric Allergy:

Though rare, some people might be allergic to turmeric. Usually people who are allergic to turmeric experience itching and rashes while applying it externally or when taken internally. If you are experiencing skin allergy after applying turmeric, don’t conclude you are allergic to turmeric right away. Try using organic turmeric powder or better still homemade turmeric powder and see whether it agrees with you. If the symptoms still persists stop using turmeric.

4. Increased Bleeding Risk:

Another lesser known side effect of turmeric when taken as a supplement is it increases the risk of bleeding. Turmeric prevents blood clotting so if you are on anti coagulant medications, please be very very careful of taking turmeric supplements as it increases the chances of bleeding. Some people have reported frequent nose bleeds when consuming turmeric and anti coagulant medications together. Large doses of turmeric can also lead to increased menstrual flow.

6. Turmeric During Pregnancy:

It is fine to consume turmeric as a spice used in day to day cooking during pregnancy but please don’t take it separately as a supplement. In fact, we should be careful of taking large doses of any ingredient during pregnancy. Though I couldn’t find any research to support this claim, taking large doses of turmeric during pregnancy is claimed to induce uterine contractions so stay on the safe side and don’t take turmeric in large doses.

7. Turmeric And Gall Stones: 

Gall bladder contracts to release bile in the intestines thus helping with the digestion. Turmeric helps prevent gall stones as it helps increase gall bladder contractions which in turn prevents gall stone formation. So if you are prone to getting gall bladder stones, consuming turmeric will greatly help. But if you already have gall bladder stones consuming turmeric will result in more pain due to the high frequency of contractions, so avoid it when you have gall bladder stones.

8. Turmeric And Skin Problems:

Turmeric is one of the best ingredients to use for our skin and here in our village we use it extensively for skin care. We all know that turmeric stains our skin but not many of us know that turmeric can increase skin sensitivity in some people resulting in skin darkening. In my personal experience very very people experience this, if you experience this problem, try to use turmeric skin care products in the night instead of in the morning. Also turmeric might cause skin dryness if used alone so always use it along with skin conditioning ingredients like milk or yogurt.

Side effects of applying turmeric on face

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  1. Anonymous
    February 13, 2018 / 4:45 am

    Hi Ramya, I have become a reader of this blog now. You are doing a great job. My daughter is 4 yrs old now & she has a lot of hair in her body but when ever I wash her with kasturi turmeric powder mixed with green gram powder & kadalai maavu she is getting pink rashes in her legs especially. What do you think I should do for her to avoid those rashes. But she has not complained of any burning symptoms so far. But I dont do it everyday now because of rashes. Please give me some better remedy for her to avoid rashes & getrid of the hair… And also its very dark around her neck & underarms, what can I do for that? Thank you in Advance. Your remedies are so helful, thanks.

  2. Unknown
    February 13, 2018 / 3:48 pm

    Hi ramya,Could you please share making homemade sunscreen lotion….could not find it on your blog.Thanks,Jinny

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