Dandruff affects young and old and though it is not a serious condition, it can be uncomfortable as it causes itching and severe flakiness. I got dandruff when I went to hostel, my scalp was constantly itchy and hair fall also started very soon.
The hostel food also was poor and added to the problem. When I came home for the long holidays, my mom treated my dandruff with at home treatments which worked really well. I still continue to do those treatments at home regularly to keep my scalp dandruff free.
What Causes Dandruff?
But before we get to know the traditional home remedies for dandruff, we should get to know what causes dandruff in the first place. Prevention is always better than cure and if we get to know the reasons we can prevent getting dandruff in the first place.
When I first spoke to a dermatologist about it, he said that the exact cause of dandruff is not known but he mentioned all the possible reasons that we could get dandruff. Since I had dandruff, I could personally relate to many of the reasons he mentioned which I have listed below.
Dandruff Symptoms:
Dandruff Common Treatments:
1. Ketaconazole:
2. Salicylic Acid:
3. Coal Tar:
4. Selenium Sulphide:
5. Steroids:
10 Top Causes For Dandruff We Should Get To Know:
1. Stress & Dandruff:
Stress does major damage to our health and well being than we realize. Stress causes hormonal imbalance which can lead to excessive oil production or excessive dryness in the scalp depending on the type of your body which then leads to dandruff.
For me, the stress of moving to hostel was also one of the major reasons for dandruff. Try to reduce stress if you are suffering from dandruff and you will see positive changes soon.
2. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis & Dandruff:
If you experience very severe itchiness then it can be seborrhoeic dermatitis which is a scaly itchy scalp rash. With seborrhoeic dermatitis, the itching and flakiness is very severe and you will have it in the face and back too.
If you suffer from it, eat healthy and try to cut down high fat processed food completely. If the condition is very severe visit a dermatologist without fail.
3. Diet & Dandruff:
Diet plays a major role in dandruff too. If you regularly eat high fat, high processed food then there is a high chance of getting dandruff.
Diet very low in nutrients, high in artificial colors, preservatives and trans fats plays havoc with our hormones which in turn can affect the oil glands in our scalp which can lead to dandruff.
4. Dry Scalp & Dandruff:
Usually the major reason for mild forms of dandruff is dry scalp. When we have dry scalp we should take care of it well by having oil bath regularly and not using chemical products often which dries out the scalp.
If you are suffering from dry scalp and dandruff, I highly recommend taking oil bath weekly twice, it will take care of the problem soon.
5. Fungal Infection & Dandruff:
Dandruff can be can also be due to fungal yeast infection caused by a type of yeast fungus called Pityrosporum Ovale. This fungus is present in our scalp in small quantities.
But certain conditions like stress, poor eating habits, dirty scalp can cause it grow in large quantities leading to dandruff. To prevent it, maintain a health life style and reduce stress completely…
6. Not Washing Hair Often & Dandruff:
You must have heard people commonly comment that their hair is itchy if they don’t wash their hair regularly. This is because when our scalp gets dirty, it starts accumulating in the scalp.
It can then lead to mild form of dandruff which in turn can cause itchiness. Try to wash your hair often and keep it clean of dirt and grime to prevent dandruff.
7. Certain Medications & Dandruff:
If you are taking any medication regularly especially ones that are very powerful chances are it is the cause for your dandruff too. If you experience dandruff suddenly and are taking certain medication like steroids please mention it your dermatologist.
It will help him pinpoint the reason correctly. Most of us never think that medicines can cause scalp diseases but they do so watch keenly whether it is because if it.
8. Hormonal Imbalance & Dandruff:
Hormonal imbalance which affect many women can also be one of the main reasons for dandruff. If you are going through important phases of your life like puberty, menopause, pregnancy, etc, chances of getting dandruff is high.
If you are extremely stressed out about it along with eating badly and not exercising chances of you getting dandruff increases many fold. Educate yourself about the different phases of life and how to deal with it calmly and everything will work out fine…
9. Aids & Dandruff:
Another information that surprised me was that dandruff is very common in aids patients and also people with aids get the more severe form of dandruff I mentioned earlier called seborrhoeic dermatitis.
The chances of an aids patient getting seborrhoeic dermatitis is almost 27 % more when compared to the normal population. In fact extreme cases of dandruff is considered one of the early signs of aids.
10. Hair Products & Dandruff:
Certain hair products can also lead to dandruff. If you use very strong chemical based shampoos that strip the scalp of the natural oils, it can lead to dandruff especially in people with dry scalp.
If you are using a lot of store bought shampoos, I would suggest slowly replacing them homemade shampoos that does not strip the hair of natural oils. You can easily make your own anti dandruff shampoo that is 100 % natural and you can find the recipe for it here.
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