8 Top Medicinal Uses & Benefits Of Artemisia Vulgaris (Mugwort)

artemisia vulgaris medicinal uses
Artemisia vulgaris commonly called as mugwort has wonderful medicinal uses and health benefits. It belongs to the genus Artemisia and family Asteraceae. Though many plants in artemisia is called mugwort, artemisia vulgaris is the one most commonly referred to as mugwort.

Artemisia Vulgaris Plant Description:

Artemisia Vulgaris is an aromatic perennial plant that grows about 2 meters tall and the leaves are about 2.5 to 20 cm long. We can also identify artemisia vulgaris with the numerous flower heads.

It is native to Asia, Temperate Europe, North Africa and Alaska. Here in India, it is not commonly found but few grow it as it is used in garlands often.

The whole plant is used for medicinal purposes and is very easy to grow at home and needs little to no maintenance. An essential oil called artemisia vulgaris essential oil is distilled from the plant and it also has wonderful medicinal uses.

Artemisia Vulgaris Common Names:

It is called Masipathiri in Tamil, Douna | Naga Douna in Hindi, Dona in Bengali, Mugwort | Indian Wormwood in English, Dona in Bengali, Davanamu in Telugu, Damoro in Gujarati, Nagadamani in Sanskrit, Davana in Marathi.

Artemisia Vulgaris Traditional Uses:

Traditionally, it is most commonly used for treating menstrual and digestion related problems and also to get rid of intestinal worms.

The leaves are slightly bitter and very aromatic so they are added as a seasoning to certain dishes in small quantities as it adds a nice aroma along with stimulating digestive juices.

The dried leaves are used as a smudge stick and the smoke has a calming effect. The dried leaf sticks also burns for a long time. Here in our place we tie the leaves along with flowers and wear it as a garland on our hair.

Artemisia Vulgaris Chemical Components:

The active compounds of artemisia vulgaris are flavonoids, coumarins, volatile oils, inulin and alkaloids. The main compounds of volatile oils are camphor, camphene, germacrene D, 1-8-, cineole, alpha-thujone and beta-caryophyllene.

Artemisia Vulgaris Medicinal Uses:

1. For Asthma:

Artemisia vulgaris has bronchodilatory properties and has been traditionally used for treating asthma. For treating asthma, water infusion of the bark and leaf are used. This traditional use has been proven beyond doubt, you can read the study that proves it here. 

2. Anti Spasmodic Properties:

Artemisia vulgaris has anti spasmodic properties and can be used as a home remedy for treating menstrual pain very effectively. A warm cup of mugwort tea will greatly help reduce the pain.

3. Anti Diarrhea Properties:

Artemisia Vulgaris stops diarrhea very effectively. The water decoction of artemisia flowers and leaves is effective as a remedy for diarrhea.

4. Anti Malaria Properties:

Artemisia vulgaris has wonderful anti parasitic properties and the water extract of the plant can be used as a remedy for treating malaria. You can read the study that proves it here. 

5. Anthelmintic Properties:

Artemisia vulgaris has wonderful anthelmintic properties. The water decoction of leaf can be used to get rid of intestinal worms. But please be careful of the dosage and never over consume it.

6. Antiseptic Properties:

Since mugwort has anti bacterial and antiseptic properties, the paste of the leaves can be applied as a poultice for treating all kinds of skin infection.

7. Nervous Problems:

It has a soothing effect on the nerves and can be used as a home remedy for anxiety, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia and depression.

Spiritually, mugwort tea is recommended before sleeping for remembering our dreams (I am not sure whether it works) and if had before meditation, it relaxes us and helps us enter the meditative state easily.

8. Improves Digestion:

Mugwort is an all round remedy for treating a variety of stomach problems. It stimulates gastric juices and helps improve digestion. It reduces colic and stomach cramps along with treating diarrhea.

Artemisia Vulgaris Dosage:

Around 1 to 2 grams is the suggested dosage for the leaves, 0.5 to 1 gram for the powder, 1 to 2 tsp for fresh juice and 50 ml for the decoction. Never overdose on artemisia vulgaris, it will do more harm than good.

Artemisia Vulgaris Side Effects:

Mugwort is toxic when used in large doses. Never use it for children and it should not be taken during pregnancy as it can cause uterine contractions. Mugwort pollens are famous allergens and can cause allergies commonly.

Some common symptoms of mugwort pollen allergy are sneezing, swollen eyes and lips, burning sensation in the throat, etc. If you are prone to allergies, it is best not to grow mugwort at home.

5 Top Medicinal Uses Of Artemisia Vulgaris (Mugwort)

1. Artemisia Vulgaris Tea:

artemisia vulgaris side effects

To make mugwort tea, take around 1 to 2 grams of dried leaves and flowers in a bowl. Add in a cup of boiling water to it. Let it steep for 5 minutes and then strain. This tea has a calming effect and is a wonderful home remedy for diarrhea, intestinal worms, malaria fever and for asthma.

2. Artemisia Vulgaris For Skin Problems:

mugwort side effects

Take the fresh leaves, crush them in a mortar and pestle to a fine paste and apply as a poultice on top of rashes and wounds. Since the leaves have anti bacterial properties, it treats the wounds really fast.

3. Artemisia Vulgaris As an Insecticide: 

artemisia vulgaris uses

Mugwort can be steeped in vinegar and used as an insecticide. To make it, take few dried leaves in a dark bottle, add vinegar on top till the leaves are immersed and let it steep for 2 weeks. To use, add a small cup of this vinegar to a litre of water and use it to wipe kitchen tops. It will act as a natural insecticide.

4. Artemisia Vulgaris Smudge Stick: 

mugwort health benefits

Mugwort smells amazing and has a calming smell and is wonderful to use as a smudge stick. To use, first collect dried leaves and once you have enough, tie them into a bundle using a thread. To use, light the smudge stick and enjoy the calming fragrance.

5. Artemisia Vulgaris As a Mulch:

mugwort medicinal uses

If you have plenty of mugwort growing in your garden, you can cut few stems and use it as a mulch for other plants. It will form a protective covering and will prevent the soil from drying out and will also act as a fertilizer.

artemisia vulgaris health benefits

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  1. Unknown
    February 12, 2018 / 10:29 pm

    Hi Ramya. Can we get in touch?

  2. kirsti
    August 9, 2021 / 6:53 pm

    Ramya, thank you for your brilliant blog, what lovely work! I wanted to find out how to use artemesia as an infusion and found you here with everything I ever wanted to know and more. Super interesting information and beautifully presented! Thanks so much again, I wish you all the best! Kirsti in Scotland

  3. Arpita
    October 9, 2021 / 2:46 pm

    Hi. I’m fascinated by your blog and so grateful for the wealth of traditional wisdom that you have to share with the world. I live in Goa and have been wanting to grow mugwort here for a while now. Would it be possible to get in touch with you to figure out a way to get some seeds?

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