5 Top Hair Benefits & Uses of Castor Oil | Arandi Oil | For Hair Growth & Hair Loss Prevention

In India castor oil has been used for hair problems for many many years. Castor oil is called Arandi in Hindi, Amudam Chettu in Telugu and Vilakennai in Tamil. Castor oil promotes hair growth and treats hair loss very effectively. You can never find a single South Indian home without castor oil. Though the process of making our own castor oil is diminishing due to high labor cost, usage is still the same. The same goes in my home too, I have never been without castor oil in my home and I love to use it in both cooking and for external application. Especially during hot summer months, many will suffer from redness of the eyes and intense body heat. I don’t know whether anyone of you have experienced this, if I go out especially during the hot summer months, my skin will be flushed and hot. When I come home back in the evening, if I apply a homemade oil in the hair, immediately I will feel the body temperature going down and I will feel much better. Applying hair oil is one tradition that we should all follow without fail to keep our body and hair healthy. Especially this castor oil treatment has wonderful hair benefits 1. Castor oil for Hair Growth: Castor oil is rich in antioxidants and fatty acids which makes it an important ingredient for stimulating hair growth. In India using castor oil for stimulating eyelash growth is very very popular and using castor oil for hair also has been done for many years. Try using it along with other oils like coconut oil, else it will be too sticky. 2. Castor oil For Hair loss: Castor oil is great for stopping hair loss and stimulating new hair growth. We make a wonderful hair oil made with castor oil and coconut  oil as a base. Castor oil by itself is very good for the hair, but many will find it hard to apply and remove the castor oil from the hair, when used alone. When combined with other oils, it gives great results. Especially this homemade hair made with castor oil, coconut oil, alkanet root and fenugreek seeds is literally divine. Please don’t mistake me when I say divine and think that it will smell great
like a store bought fancy oils. It won’t smell great and it might be
hard to get it out of the hair when you have hair wash but it stops hair fall very effectively, especially when combined with a great diet. 3. Castor Oil for Thinning & Dry hair: Castor oil treats dry hair very very effectively. After using this homemade hair oil, you will find your hair much more manageable and smooth. Here in my place, we use arappu to wash the oil out. If you are using shampoo, most probably you will have to use it twice to get the oil out, else your hair will be very greasy. 4. Castor oil For Split Ends: Castor oil is great for preventing split ends, especially if used as a pre shampoo treatment. To treat split ends, warm the castor oil mixture (recipe below) and massage it gently in the scalp and all over the hair concentrating especially on the split ends. You will surprised how effectively this treatment works! 5. Castor oil for scalp infections: Castor oil has anti fungal and antibacterial properties making it ideal for treating all kinds of scalp infections. Never use this castor oil mixture as a daily application oil, you might feel very uncomfortable as it might be sticky and smelly. I would recommend using this oil each time before having hair wash and this castor oil treatment can be safely used by everyone. Try using pure cold pressed castor oil for best results. In India cold pressed castor oil is not available, but you can buy unprocessed oils easily from small family run businesses. I hope, I have convinced you enough to try castor oil for your hair 🙂

1. Take the fenugreek seeds in a plate and sundry till crisp.

2. This is alkanet root and it is called ratanjot in India. You can easily get it in country medical shops.

2. Mix unrefined coconut oil, castor oil (preferably unrefined castor oil) in a cup along with alkanet root and sun dried fenugreek seeds.

4. Sun dry again under hot sun covered with a thin mesh till the color of the oil changes to bright red (due to the alkanet releasing it’s color in the oil).

5. Strain and store it in a glass bottle once the oil comes to room temperature.


  • I love hair oils that is heated under sunlight and this oil is no exception 🙂
  • To get the best benefits out of the is oil, before having your hair wash massage this oil well in the scalp, wait for 15 to 20 minutes before having your hair wash.
  • If you have applied a lot of the oil or if your hair is thick, you will have to shampoo twice else the oil will not go as the castor oil is very sticky.
  • You can increase or decrease the amount of castor oil in the recipe.
  • Fenugreek in the oil keeps the body cool and the alkanet prevents premature greying and treats scalp infections too.

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